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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Hehe, there is not much that gets past us...
  2. Here ya go Lucky, reread this thread for your motivation...
  3. You should do the Pcom bachelor thing that Biz was posting about. I am sure Pcom would hand pick you some sweet ladies..
  4. I secretly wanted one for Christmas...
  5. It is a boring Sunday and you posting about your events will liven this place up. Go for it...
  6. I would love to read your events. As far as believing, I dunno...
  7. I am doing my usual Sunday chore (laundry), reading Pcom some and watching TV. Right this minute I am peeling an orange and YES I intend on eating the pith, lol...
  8. This is a great site to help reduce the costs for organic food shopping: http://www.thethriftymama.com/
  9. Do you have a link to your blog?
  10. We want your autograph so we can google you...
  11. Which show were you on. You knew someone would ask...
  12. Oh look, here "it" is... ^^^^^ Yup. It is childish, but I did notice that "it" had visited, lmao...
  13. Thanks girlie but I think the star thingy is broken. Nothing updates the stars...
  14. I think you have to be "visible" for the star thingy to work, but I could be wrong...
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