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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I sure hope today went okay for you...
  2. Here you go, CreativeOne: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/235821-calling-all-ladies-or-guys/page__pid__3062049__st__0entry3062049
  3. You should consider doing that Pcom thing that Biz has posted about. The description of your meals always make me hungry!
  4. Me too! Hence my cankle problem! I would rather have fun dip attached than no candy attached at all...
  5. Sadly, most of today's teens are spoiled and they want "new".
  6. I will agree with that. Like I said, everyone's view of the truth is different. But why is it considered rude to post your opinion of the truth?
  7. I will never understand why common sense is so offensive...
  8. Obviously, it did initiate this topic but it is a general question that I have often wondered about...
  9. This is just a general question, otherwise I would have asked in that thread...
  10. Buy a present from your new baby to her big sister. Wrap it and make a big deal of it...
  11. I could never ice skate either. My ankles would wobble...
  12. Hence my post, the truth is not always the same for everyone...
  13. The truth may be different to some people and that is okay. What makes it rude to post what you think is the truth?
  14. I disagree. Of all the moms in the spotlight with mutiple births, I think Michelle is the most sane and grounded of them all...
  15. If I were Mrs Duggar, I would stop. Those children need their mom in their lives. Can you imagine what would happen if she were to die during childbirth?
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