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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I dare the dumbass to post her shots on here. She will be pummeled with unkind words...
  2. I agree that they must be doing something right to remain open. It is just not to my liking...
  3. I swear it wasn't me...
  4. Call me what you want. At least I'm not a suck-up, and never will be. This will be my last comment in this thread...
  5. Heck, I can't even get the actual box to work...
  6. I am so sorry Tara. Thank you so much for sharing her story with us and know that she will breathe easy from now on...
  7. I almost did the same thing. I picked up a box at Walmart and put it back down after thinking some more...
  8. I guess that is one way to add insulation. It is a modern day igloo...
  9. This has been years ago, but I once saw a lady about to leave her cart in the parking space next to her car. I told her if she would put the cart back where it belonged I would give her a five dollar bill thinking this would embarrass her. She took her cart to the cart coral and took my money...
  10. PM Caped Crusader, he would know...
  11. I keep asking myself that, lol...
  12. What a beautiful little girl. She is in my prayers, as are you. My prayer list from PCOM is growing like crazy lately...
  13. Ah ha. This was nothing more than an intentional set-up...
  14. Unlike you, they realized they were highjacking and steered the conversation back to the topic at hand. As for me following you around. Of course I do. I just love a good train wreck and that is no secret... Famous people having affairs go to sexhabs because they think this will restore their ruined reputations...
  15. My son bought the movie and did not like it. I haven't seen it myself so I have no clue...
  16. Great show! I sure hope he makes it through this...
  17. I thought this thread was about famous people having affairs. GAGgirl you aren't famous except maybe in your own mind. Highjack much?
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