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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. I've seen cleaner concession stands... I am not one to bad mouth a business, either... (except for the soap one)
  2. I bet I can guess the password for that forum, lol...
  3. Carson, another gender optional name...
  4. Same here, I can't remember the book either. I think it was one on Oprah's book list but I am not positive. Paxton would suit a boy or girl. The only draw back to me is it is too close to paxil, lol... I figured you would say Winston...
  5. It was a grave mistake. The firefighters and the lady paid the price of that mistake. What more would you do to the firefighters?
  6. I agree, great post...
  7. I would think she known her own sister's history VERY welll, lol...
  8. Coffee and a cigarette <puffpuff>
  9. My 18 month old (at the time) son, line drived his pacifier in to the crotch of the gentleman sitting next to us. This was just after smoking was banned on airplanes. I 'bout lit up anyway...
  10. LOL, I have been craving a loaded baked potato since you mentioned it yesterday!
  11. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/236352-10-50-i-m-v-a/page__pid__3067104__st__0entry3067104 The password is ON
  12. Welcome to posting! Edited to get the thingies to work...
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