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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That's very normal for college, as I understand it from my nieces and nephews.
  2. That's cheap! Fees for one child = $7000. Tuition = $35,000. Room and board = $12,000. Yes, private school and only middle school. McCallie is one of the premier boys prep schools in the nation. Thank God for tuition scholarships for the high SAT scores and other assistance.
  3. Lottery, I like. Casinos, I see more problems than advantages.
  4. Thank you! We appreciate it greatly! Then again, sorry for the misfortune. Hope you feel better!
  5. My college text books don't say that at all. And I will put my degrees up against yours any day.
  6. I voted. As a Republican, I voted for guns and God. Always do.
  7. But that's not what we're talking about. The recession ended in 2009, btw. We are talking about the amount of money we all pay to have the county services. If your value decreased like most people, your tax bill dropped. If your INCOME went down, that doesn't diminish the fact you still own the property and the taxes have to be paid in order for the county to provide the services we all have to have for the government to function. Just because the county raises the tax RATE doesn't mean your tax BILL goes up if the valuations are down. THAT is the discussion. If you're talking about it
  8. No. I strongly disagree with you definitions. The tax burden is the amount of money paid, not the percentage of the value. If that is how you view it, fine. Most reasonable people don't view it like that. Whatever. I'm out. NOT TRUE! No one is saying the rate didn't go up. NO ONE IS SAYING THAT. We are saying that the tax amount PAID TO THE COUNTY didn't go up.
  9. You're not getting the concept. Tax BURDEN is the percentage of income paid. If the amount paid is the same, there is NO increase in the tax burden.
  10. Illogical comparison since income taxes and property taxes are not the same. In your hypothetical, the taxes are going up based on the income and the ability to pay. On property taxes, the income is irrelevant since property tax is based on valuations. Exactly! So THEY are not increasing taxes when the rate goes up to offset the drop in valuations. I agree that they are increasing the rate. No argument. But the net effect is the same amount paid as before. Most people don't view that as a tax hike since it is no more out of pocket. And then we simply have to hold their fee
  11. Valuations change for everyone all the time, whether rates go up or down. Will you then say the county CUT taxes for everyone else?
  12. So they gave us a tax cut when the amount they collected went down? Same logic. Why am I even trying this with you?
  13. The guy is obviously parsing words to argue a political point. More out of pocket means tax bill went up. Less out of pocket means tax bill went down. That is the bottom line for reasonable people. Just ignore the guy. He's not reasonable.
  14. Semantics. Most people agree that when they have to actually pay more, they have had a tax hike. If they are actually paying less cash out of pocket, they would tell you their "taxes went down." Fact is the county wants not raise taxes but keep revenue the same as before. Unless you're also claiming they have CUT taxes now since most people are paying less out of pocket.
  15. But that is a future event that hasn't even happened yet. You can't argue your point on what might happen but on what is happening. County tax revenue is down not because of rate changes but because of property values. When the values were going up, the rates were dropped. So let's rely on history and hope they drop the rates a bit when values go up. If they don't, then that is a legitimate argument. In the meantime, we can't argue on what MIGHT happen but what we have NOW.
  16. He will grow out of it. Do what you did about showing the bugs and forget about it. He will be fine.
  17. I don't know Mason Rountree so his work for Carruth matters nothing at all to me. But I do know some of Heath's supporters. They are the same people that support Paulette Braddock and that is reason enough for me to not vote for Heath. Those people are really out there.
  18. This is not new news. It's been in the works for months. With the decrease in home values, the county revenue has dropped. The only way to keep the revenue at current levels is to increase the millage. It won't increase the taxes because everyone is paying less now than they were 4 years ago as it is. Come on. If we want county services, we have to pay for it. We've already had a tax cut with the falling property values. Now we have to keep the levels the same. Same with your household budget. If your hourly pay gets cut but you've cut out all you can in your budget to make up for
  19. Boortz gets on the ADD kick every few months, just like he does with smoking, public schools, and even support for the arts. Those are Prime Topics designed for those slow news days to get the naive and simple minded worked up and enraged enough to call the program while listening to the advertisers. You got played.
  20. I do hope they have real evidence and can support a real case, and not just present a lot of circumstantial stuff that will cost the tax payer a lot of useless time and money.
  21. You are making huge leaps to a conclusion that I never said.
  22. I think I prefer the law to be interpreted free of politics. What you're advocating is the same as the National Socialists used to take over a central European nation about 90 years ago.
  23. It certainly does happen on both sides but when you're talking about something illegal, that is for the court to decide. In this case, Chic-Fil-A has a legal department and should use it if they believe something illegal was done. And people have the right to not patronize the restaurants if they don't support the institutionalized discrimination the company supports towards gays. That's what courts are for. Yes, things like that happen all the time. You're making my point for me. Is this "traditional marriage" based on religion the same as Muslim's supporting their religious
  24. Yes and no. The company was sent a letter saying that its support of institutionalized discrimination was wrong and it would be an insult to open restaurants there. Boston urged the company to back off plans. My link We all know the cities cannot stop the restaurant from opening more stores as long as the zonings are met. We also know that politicians say and exaggerate things to get people all worked up, even though they can't do what they say.
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