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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Again, strawman. You're confusing the issue of incest with gay marriage. Those are two separate issues. Nice try to poison the well with an extraneous topic. It didn't work. Is there a reason why you didn't explain the difference between two opposite sex adults who are related, and a non-related opposite sex couple. Same logic.
  2. And now the discussion has deteriorated.
  3. Strawman. Incest is not the same as gay marriage. Explain the difference between two opposite sex adults who are related, and a non-related opposite sex couple. Same logic.
  4. I have no idea if that is true or not, but some people who insist all those people are lying because, well, that tidbit doesn't fit their agenda.\ Then again, private company and isn't that what many have said? Employers should be able to hire and fire whom they wish, for whatever reasons they have?
  5. Wrong. One is about incest. The other is not. Saying something is so doesn't make it factual. Any reasonable person can see the fallacy of your argument. That is like comparing marriage between a man and a woman, and marriage between a son and his mother. Please.
  6. For a great show, $142 is not bad at all.. I have paid much more for many venues. The Blue Man Group was worth every penny for the best seats, for example. Factor in the hotel, the limo, the food and drinks, and that is a really great evening.
  7. We all have our vices. The Wait, Wait show is one of the most clever shows around. Love it. It will be worth it as part of a long weekend. Then again, the wine tasting I've set up is something I'm looking forward to as well.
  8. Not the same issue. Strawman. This is about 2 consenting gay adults. This is not about incest. If you want to discuss that, make your own thread. Don't poison the well with another topic.
  9. Wrong again. I'm not liberal. I support Mr. Cathy's freedom to support whatever group he wants and to hold any view he wants. He has that right and I fully support him in that. If you believe anyone in this thread is not in support of him doing that, you have missed the entire point we've made. And you did.
  10. I'm glad they are doing it. The rumpus actions make the ceremony too long and bring the splendor of the event down. Yelling and making such a spectacle like I've seen, especially at high school graduations, is tacky and low class. Good for Univ of West GA. I wish we would do that here in Paulding.
  11. LOVE Hal's! I agree with you that it is the best steak in Atlanta. Actually, he has already made us reservation for Capital Bar and Grille that Friday but maybe I can suggest Hal's.
  12. Ticket prices are not that bad. It's about what we would pay to see Franki Valli, or get good tickets for the Blue Man Group or even to see The Nutcracker.
  13. I guess they closed. Maybe new management will reopen the place later on.
  14. Ticket prices are not that bad. We plan on making a weekend of it by going to the show, do a wine tasting at this neat wine shop I found, and stay downtown. Might even take in the GT game that weekend. It'll be a great little get away for us.
  15. I remember the adult 80s in re-runs but -- don't tell anyone -- but some of the pastel colored outfits weren't ALL that bad. I know, I know. But I do think I would have liked some of 'em as an adult. When you're still a kid, you don't think much about it at the time.
  16. My sweet husband is out of town but sent me a text that he just got us tickets to see Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, that will be recorded in the Fox Theater on September 20! I've been a fan of the show for a long time now and while listening to the radio, he heard the show is coming to town, so he bought us tickets. I CAN'T WAIT! Wait, Wait Link My link Fox Theater Tickets Link for The Show 09/20/12 My link
  17. The point is that Cathy is in support of discrimination against gay marriage, not that CFA discriminates as a company. Every time the issue comes up, a few more realize how unfair the public policy is that doesn't allow all Americans the same liberty in the legal contract of marriage. Eventually, enough people will say enough, do enough, and be brave enough to force the issue on a national level (via law or court) and the discrimination against gays in terms of marriage equality will end. And we all know that political expediency will reflect in public statements when running for o
  18. Strawman. Different issue. The court already ruled that outlawing polygamy was within the Constitutional framework. However, if that ever wants to be revisited, it will be a topic that should be considered on its own merits. How did the Bible treat polygamy?
  19. You are right. Not paying withholding is stealing, IMHO. Debts happen. Liens happen. Business loans that get called or whatever, happen. Withholding money and not forwarding that to the government agency is no different than embezzlement of funds from your employer while you handle the books. But don't expect reason to win the day. Politics is bigger than ethics.
  20. And where in any of this (taken out of context, distorted, and made up quotes) does it say ANYTHING about the nation having Christianity as the basis of its laws?
  21. Context. It is not a law. It is not part of the founding. It is something taken waaaaay out of context. It was not part of the Constituional discussion. It says nothing about the government's power to decide religion. It was not from a framer of the Constitution. Context.
  22. Sigh. The quote is spurious. It is an amalgamation of several quotes put into a single piece to say something Jefferson never said. Any history major would know this. My link 1 My link 2 Please. Before you begin posting a lot of made up quotes and mis-quotes, do a Google search on them. What you're giving is not accurate. What they may or may not have written in their personal letters is NOT the same as what was incorporated in the Constitution, which is how we govern our nation. Remember many of the Founders were theocrats. Many were agnostics. Most were deists. R
  23. Where did I say you were advocating incest? Where? Hmmm? Where? Please, oh please, where did I say you were advocating incest? I said the issue you raised was about incest and that is an altogether different topic than gay marriage. Please try to keep up with the conversation. The 14th Amendment is the argument and the basis. Anyone with a degree knows this. I'm sure you are aware of it because it is covered in Poly Sci 102, American History to 1865, and American History After 1865. So you should have covered all that. The 14th Amendment also applies to all civil rights cases, jus
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