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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Huh? You've got to be kidding. No, you're not. 1780-1795 roughly. Hmmm. If those people weren't the Founding Fathers, just exactly who were they? You do realize that the men of that era who cast the votes and crafted the documents are considered the "Founding Fathers," right? My link
  2. I know. My fingers were typing faster than my brain because I had originally typed MediCARE trying to summarize the article. Yep. Mea culpa. I originally typed MediCARE as I was summarizing the article and just didn't correct it when I was editing it. Habit since MediCARE is what I usually type for reports.
  3. A "ghost bike" is a bike frame painted all white and marks the place where a cyclist was killed on the public streets. The idea has caught on as a means of raising awareness that cyclists are everywhere and for safety's sake, let's watch out for everyone. My link
  4. The severe drought has caused the freshwater flow of the Mississippi to decrease so much that saltwater has back filled areas, meaning that drinking water for large numbers of the population is at risk. My link
  5. If you say so. Doesn't matter to me if anyone reads it or not but if they are going to discuss it, I'm going to insist they back up their points with solid information. If they can't, they really don't know what they're talking about. If you agree, fine. If not, fine. Doesn't matter to me either way.
  6. That's their problem if they are trying to discuss without reading the information. Not mine. As for opinions, educated opinions are backed with educated information. You know that.
  7. Oh, that's just wrong. On so many levels.
  8. It's what I do all day long and when we get these sort of studies, it impacts what we do for community health. For example, you will soon see local hospitals passing out condoms because of the increased prevalence of STDs in Paulding and surrounding counties, a much higher rate than other areas of the state.
  9. I'm gonna hold you're feet to the fire. Would you please show the post where I linked to an ACLU publication? Please? Pretty please? Here's a hint: you won't find where I linked to an ACLU publication. I linked to an article that summarized what an ACLU publication had stated but that was just one part of the article's content and it is factually correct. Of course, you can try these if you like. My link My link 2 The point is that if the Founders wanted to establish a national language, they would have done so. They did not. They didn't pass Adams' proposal to do that.
  10. OK. Here that is. Sorry, but that is not what the studies show. My link
  11. It is by and large overwhelmingly true. There are always exceptions but all the studies have shown a negative correlation. My link If you can provide studies to show that the negative correlation is not true, I would like to see it.
  12. The city of Boston is not waiting for the rising water due to the rising temperatures. The city is instituting a comprehensive plan designed to be more eco-friendly and prevent the city from being swallowed up by the rising tide. My link
  13. With insurance and Medicade coverage for circumcision declining, health officials see health risks down the road. Interesting discussion. My link
  14. Yep. That's the law. He is a non-student. It's a serious matter.
  15. It not be a good idea for someone out of school to get into a fight with a student. That is very serious. Then it is not just between students. Do what you want but it will be very expensive and criminal stuff does leave a record.
  16. Yep. That has been the case for about 20 years now in GA.
  17. I just don't see how any of this can be without fault on all sides. Something like throwing things doesn't happen in a vacuum. War is good for nothing. Fighting is good for less. Sometimes it is the only option but walking away and letting the authorities handle it is a much better bet in 99% of all instances.
  18. Sounds eerily similar to one of the reasons the German language was minimized because the argument was that Germans were Catholic. My link I can see you didn't have more than a few introductory history courses and no Constitutional thought courses.
  19. The author of the article was talking about the condition that causes the secondary problems, namely that inactivity leads to weight gain that then leads to the other problems. He wasn't talking about disabilities or disability payments or receiving ANY sort of government assistance, nor was he even implying that physical inactivity is a reason for a disability. I guess there was just a lot of assuming as to what he was saying because I don't think many people read the article., judging from the comments.
  20. I can see few read the article and fewer understand what is a medical condition. Then politics comes in.
  21. There have always been a few that will gamegame the system. We've ask seen them from days in middle and high school to doctors, LEO and other trusted figures. That is no reason to throw out the system but is a reason to tweak the system.
  22. That's exactly the point. The Founders wanted the evolving culture to be the language of the majority, not an institutional decision as to what our how language should be used. By not having an official language, we don't, in essence, discourage other minority languages. But you're very, very , VERY wrong if you believe Adams' proposal was to simply improve the English language. A history major would know better than that. It was an attempt to make English the official language, just like many in that day wanted. However, they never voted to do it and if they felt it was necessary, they wo
  23. Stop it. The Tea Party doesn't want logic.
  24. Well, then blame the Founding Fathers who in 1780 rejected the idea. My link
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