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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. This is what happens when insurance companies finance the campaigns of politicians who in turn write the bills.
  2. I don't think you understood what I said. Global Warming is not a "theory." You said it was a theory in your post above (number 58). It is not a theory because there is still debate, even if there is near unanimous consent that Climate Change is real. I agree with your first paragraph above. There are many factors affecting Climate Change. The fact that the weather extremes are more frequent was predicted along with the continued findings. Again, listen to the interview I linked in the first post. that talks about the extremes. I disagree that "both" sides are manipulating res
  3. Exactly, not to mention that inflation pushes up prices on everything anyway.
  4. Actually, a scientific theory is something that is NOT disputed. You're using the layman's definition for theory white the scientific definition means something different. Second, the fact that Europe had record highs during the winter while the US had record lows is further PROOF of global warming, not an argument against it. Global Warming means there are extremes and major shifts in patterns.
  5. I'm sure all the scientists in the world have gasped in total awe of your scientific knowledge and are considering leaving science as a field of study for being so stupid as to not recognize the simple truth you're giving. In total awe. You should apply for a job tomorrow as lead scientist for all climatologists worldwide. Please give the list of scientific criticisms you've forwarded on to the author of the article I first posted. I'm sure he would just LOVE to hear from you. And please detail for us the conversation you have over the next ever-how-many-months as you two debate his
  6. You're not going to get through to anyone who is so partisan that they cannot think things through.
  7. That's the way weather patterns work. Weather patterns are a function of the ocean temperatures. High school physical science. My link
  8. Actually, yes. Global warming doesn't mean it is always warm but that the warmer oceans will cause havoc in the weather patterns and there will be more extremes. The extreme cold/warm winters/summers and the increase in drought/storm intensity and conditions is proof that Global Warming is a fact.
  9. I've never ran from my views. BTW...anytime a poster throws out [NPR] as insults; it only demonstrates that they frequent propaganda sites, and any credibility they have is instantly gone. Congrats on losing yours. BTW, why are you guy so fascinated with me? My link
  10. Are you serious? You want me to provide a list of the MAJORITY when you already have a list of the MINORITY? You're totally unreasonable. You know that what you're asking is impossible. So I will ask you -- since I've provided your list for you, will you now provide mine? YOU provide the list of scientists and credentials in the majority. If it can be done, I'm sure you can do it. And notice your links from Yahoo. Blogs. Crackpots. Amateurs. Political sites. Then again, you may want to look over some of the links and actually read them. The more scientific, non-political sites say you
  11. Here. Let me Google that for you. My link If you will notice the links that oppose the reality are business related, political or crackpots. Even the Wiki article is very blunt when it says The fact is the people that say climate change is not real are in the very small minority. Look at who promulgates their ideas: businesses and political groups. Come on. Don't me manipulated.
  12. I'm sure you have too. I trust the people with the degrees in the field to know more about this than you or I. The fact is the overwhelming majority of scientists acknowledge that climate change is real and that humans have enhanced the speed of it to dangerous levels. The people that disagree are crackpots, political opportunists, businesses paying for a certain bias for their own purposes, or people that are easily manipulated.
  13. Not true. Not going back to $100k unless Congress votes to do that and it is not even being discussed. Retirement funds are not FDIC insured unless they are in cash/money market or CDs, just like all other accounts. My link
  14. The novel idea would be for you to read from scientific sources instead of propaganda sites. Really, now. NPR is not a government site, either. You are the one who needs to an educated opinion, not uninformed drivel that you keep spitting.
  15. No, the evidence is there and the overwhelming members of the scientific community have been stating the case for decades. It's not hard to show the evidence that global warming is fact and man is contributing to it at an insurmountable rate. What is difficult to refute is the closed mind that is so partisan that science takes a back seat to politics. Those politics of business that put immediate profit over the health of the planet and humankind, and they have twisted, paid for, and postulated propaganda for a long time.
  16. Rumors are much more fun than fact. It's nowhere near true.
  17. And now we can see the extremists latching on to crack pots and dismissing the evidence.
  18. You got the packet with the seasoning already applied. Ask for a packet with no seasoning and they will fix it right up for you.
  19. So did anyone go to this to let us know how it turned out? I bet there were some fireworks, or at least some glares.
  20. The extreme weather conditions are happening with more and more frequency. The soft shell crabs off New England's coast should also tell us how fragile the oceans are to climate change. It's time we acknowledged the science. Audio Link My link Truncated text link My link
  21. There are some people that are like Black Holes and their density sucks up common sense and nothing ever comes out. Best to just avoid them.
  22. Whoo Hoo! It's about time! We're not going to be shut out of any area. We deserve the same pay and same chance as men do.
  23. I was talking about the fees listed for state colleges. That is pretty average, according to what I'm hearing from my relatives. The amount I gave was for McCallie, a private prep school.
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