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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The person said IE was being used. That is how IE shows the link. Other browsers will show it in the corner by hovering on the link. As for the first point, that is not the context the person was using it so you missed it again. As for the second point, hyperbole is something most people learned in middle school but I think you may have been absent that day.
  2. Read my post again. Put your cursor on the link. Right click. Click on Properties. The pop box will show the link. That's how IE works. Other browsers will show the link in the bottom corner. So you're spreading a rumor. Whomever the "close friend" is doesn't know me because it's all estrogen here.
  3. First, it is not dude. Second, threatening to assault someone shows a temper problem and a character flaw. Third, if you were to assault me, I would make sure you are paying me for the rest of your life after you got out of jail. Fourth, I see you have a bit of a problem with the written language. Let me quote for again what I said so you get it. Here is exactly what I said: You are either lying or simply don't know how to use your browser. Notice, please, the two-lettered word or. I put it in bold and made it a larger font to make sure you can see it. Put your cursor over
  4. Bullcheeze. You are either lying or simply don't know how to use your browser. What browser are you using? It has to start somewhere. If we are not stepping up to the plate we have list the moral right to say anything to anyone else. We should do what we wasn't others to do lest we act immorally.
  5. If being educated is not important enough to you to read the links, then please don't bother complaining the title is not in the link. Take some personal responsibility. It is not my job to give you the title of the article when I've already given the link. If you want people to do everything for you while you don't have to work for anything, you're in the wrong nation.
  6. Your browser will show the link. If you're not interested in being educated on things, that's your business. You may read the link and then read the book or not. Doesn't matter to me one way or the other. But if you're not going to read the link, kindly have the decency to stay out of the thread. You can listen to the audio of the interview that actually discusses the atmospheric scrubbing with mock volcanoes.
  7. A new book on the effects of global warming and the effects of the climate change should be a wake up call to us all. We're past the point of no return. The long term effects of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be felt for centuries. Unless measures are taken now, we could be the generation that set the earth's climate for the next 1000 years. My link
  8. Sheesh. This is starting to sound like the superstitious practitioners of voodoo, believing the evil medical doctors are putting a curse on all the children with their medicine magic.
  9. Broiled fish fillets with scallops. Grilled vegetables. A carrot salad and small corn muffins as an appetizer. Dessert is a bowl of fresh peaches. Wine is a pinot gris given to my husband last year but I have a bottle of The Velvet Devil merlot that we will probably open after dinner.
  10. Most insurance companies do not cover that for eye surgery now so I fall to see how this is anything different. One insurance company that we have had to deal with repeatedly will only cover one, specific drop but most others have a preferred list and I can't recall any with anyone over this. Of course, let's try to score political points by manipulating the people that don't know any better.
  11. You would have to deal with private land owners.
  12. You don't know your browser. Look down in the bottom corner and you will see the link address.
  13. Get them vaccinated. My God, this is not the Dark Ages where people are superstitious of things like fog, volcanoes and meteors.
  14. zoocrew


    Dr. Kelley in Marietta is wonderful.
  15. If you hold your mouse over the link, your browser will tell you the link's address. It is not that difficult. And yet you have a link in your signature line? Rain outside doesn't mean the drought has ended. There is much, MUCH more to a drought than that, just like we learned in high school earth science class. Hover your mouse on the link and your browser tells you exactly where the link address is.
  16. As temperatures climb and there is no end in sight for the drought, the situation worsens. The extreme situation is now at dangerous levels. My link
  17. Better nutrition, smoking cessation and exercise are all healthy things employers are paying to make sure their employees are participating in healthy activities. This is just part of the Affordable Health Care Act. My link
  18. Yes, this sort of thing does happen with many worms/trojan viri out there. If that is the case with this guy, I hope it is proven and he is let free. If it is not true and the SOB is one who frequents and collects kiddie porn, I hope he gets all that is coming to him in prison. Either way, his life is ruined, guilty or innocent.
  19. zoocrew


    Haven't been yet but I guess I need to convince Mr Grumpy Pants to go since he really doesn't like Mexican food, because he says it all tastes the same.I tried to tell him if he would try something different (other than nachos, burritos and combo plates) he would see that there are some varied meals. Love me some fish tacos! And the soups are ALWAYS good!
  20. Politics is so nasty. Just stay clear of it. The people that get their hands dirty with politics are, usually, weak minded and think it gives me some sort of power and influence. Few honest people seek office because of the process.
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