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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Anyone familiar with the Bicycle Commuter Act of 2008? Employers can get a tax credit for promoting cycling. A GREAT IDEA! My link
  2. The language of the people is determined by the culture. As the Latino culture becomes more prevalent, Spanish will become the language of culture. If our children don't begin learning Spanish as soon as they are in the public schools, we are putting them at a world-wide disadvantage. There is no official language in America because, if there were, there would be no accommodations for any other language. The Founding Fathers knew this and that is why they intentionally chose no official language. My link Let's be realistic. Latinos are here. They will continue to come. The Latino cult
  3. My husband will be there as long as the company doesn't sell out to a larger operation.
  4. We're staying because my job here in the county and my husband's only 30 minutes away. Then again, the position I hold does't last long at any facility so I'm in a good location to move to another facility if need be. I'm hired to be fired in 2-5 years anyway. That's the nature of the job.
  5. This is personal because it relates to my job. The number one and number two problems that contribute to 75% of the acute and chronic conditions are tobacco and obesity. I realize there are factors that contribute to weight but let's face it: people that use tobacco don't exercise and people that don't exercise are the ones that have premature and many health problems. So one doctor is calling for a medical condition that labels a lack of physical exercise. Agree or not, at least he is calling for a discussion and maybe help make some positive changes. My link
  6. Ooohhh! You are so right! And there is a certain age when all the cute little shorts and boob jobs won't make up for what Mother Nature does.
  7. They are fun to watch. Best part is listening to some of the SAHM talk during their lunch at The Avenues. I swear, they are not that smart. Their kids and their husbands have them so snowed. I know because I recognize them when they were WITH their husbands in certain medical situations. The "explanations" they gave for certain things are really a Wild Fairy Tale; and Little Miss Rich Heifer believes it.
  8. Just let it go. Just another example how the rest of the world is ahead of the American transportation system. Take solace in that 50 years from now, the attitude will be completely different.
  9. JMHO, but the people in West Cobb are snooty.
  10. And now the discussion has fallen to a point of no return.
  11. We moved here a while ago but still miss home. No, we don't feel a part of the local scene but that is mainly our fault for not taking the time. We're so busy with work and the boys that we've not had time for serious friendships or involvement, even after 15 years.
  12. Just a habit I got into years ago. It is August, BTW.
  13. Why aren't we training our children for the world that will exist in 2 decades?
  14. A new study shows that Latinos are the largest single minority on our college campuses. And yet, we don't begin teaching Spanish in kindergarten. We are short changing our children. My link
  15. Yes, it is legal. We need bike lanes for many reasons. This is one of them.
  16. My husband and I went out of town Friday morning and just got back in this afternoon. Had a FABULOUS time in - of all places, Birmingham, AL. We stayed at the Marriott Renaissance Ross Bridge, mainly so he could play golf. I got to shop. But the Birmingham Restaurant Week started on Saturday at the Hill Center, so we got to enjoy a little bit of all the food scene there while getting a tour of the Lyric Theater. And if you ever get a chance and don't mind driving for a SUPERB dinner, you've got to try Hot Hot Fish Club. My link This is the second meal we've had there and it is one we a
  17. Don't. You're wasting your time trying to explain it because it doesn't fit their agenda.
  18. Why is this news? This is how insurance works. If it is a fault loss, the company pays. If not, they don't. The company, the insured, the other insured/company, and the legal system are adversaries. That is called the free market.
  19. Spoken as a true facist intent on forcing conformity to the majority.
  20. It's all in networking and on-line applications. We only take on-line applications now, too, and if there is an existing employee as a referral, we give application consideration AFTER the hiring firm (whom we outsource) sifts the applications. First, the hiring firm sorts them by pre-selected criteria we have set. For example, we require an accredited four year degree and from a traditional school (not on-line). We also require such things as certain number of years experience for some staffing positions. There are other criteria but those are what we use for the initial on-line search.
  21. Does not matter. Braddock was arrested and all sorts of trouble. Didn't pull the same rumor thing in 2008? Look, if Carruth had ever been arrested, don't you think that would have come out by now? And even if had been arrested, so what? Lot's of people get arrested but it is a conviction that matters. Politics is so dirty. The naive and fools get played by the rich and powerful.
  22. Politics makes people say the dumbest things and people hear what they want to hear. There is nothing more nasty than politics and it stains people at their core. Brains go into neutral when it comes to getting their candidate elected. Just look at the idiots that carried Paulding the in the primary. We're all doomed.
  23. Wow. I would be asking why they don't book farther out. The group I use has always done this.
  24. I don't get this one at all. I book the annual physicals a year advance because I already have the next year's school calender. If the calender changes, I call and reschedule the physicals to coincide with the new school calender. This is something I've always done and every one of the moms in my circle of friends do it this way. We even talk about the school calender differences when we get together (Paulding, Cobb, Cherokee, Fulton and Douglas)
  25. Conspiracy theory. One of the most extremist posts I've read on paulding.com.
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