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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I will ask again: "Who is defending Mr. Obama?" Pointing out the economic reality is not defending the American president. Your proposition would, therefore, be an attack on Mr. Obama, correct?
  2. I'm asking you to clarify your question.
  3. Who is defending Mr. Obama? Are you, then, saying that others are attacking Obama?
  4. The pitch. You know. The field of play?
  5. Again, normal changes up or down 20 bps is normal. The numbers are not dreadful but rather encouraging from an overall perspective. If you disagree, fine. We shall see the progress of your "prediction" in several months. Barring a large and unforeseen problem, or the draconian budget cuts, your prediction is preposterous.
  6. I am not sure who the Lions are but one won't find the best clubs in a second rate city or playing on a less than proper pitch.
  7. World class clubs have world class facilities. It is as simple as that.
  8. Bollocks. Things are much better than in 2009 when the entire world economic system was on the verge of collapse. Now it is growing again but the ripple effect will be felt for sometime to come. My link My link 2
  9. In the thread I said that your predicted increase was totally preposterous and you continued holding that line. It wasn't until a month ago when it was completely obvious that unemployment wasn't going to rise that much when you changed your tune. My link The litmus test will be your prediction of continued unemployment increases and a recession by 2013 September, another preposterous suggestion, barring the draconian spending cuts the American House of Representatives is wanting. Such cuts would almost certainly increase unemployment by your number and cause the economy to stagger.
  10. You do realise that unemployment is a lagging indicator by approximately 12-24 months of the economic gauge, right?
  11. Noooo. You said it would rise 1 - 2%. My link You were incorrect again. And this is like saying that you guarantee the sun will rise in the morning. If you had bothered to read the report, you would clearly see the reasoning for the increase in the total is only temporary and completely expected. Also, the informed world recognises this for what it is, i.e., another example of the slow, steady growth with occasional bumps in the road that are entirely normal. Exactly. The numbers and economic events are much more complicated than most understand. The report is just more of
  12. I've said many, many times that I've never claimed to currently be a British subject.
  13. Not correct. A constable with a weapon stopped it from going any further. This was not a layman with a gun who was playing an American Rambo for the day.
  14. Exactly. Cars. Computers. Televisions. Mobile Phones. Aeroplanes. Stadiums.
  15. Then why is there a push for an updated stadium?
  16. In 20 years, technology has changed so much that I'm sure the stadium of which you speak is very much outdated.
  17. I guess the Ten Commandments never should have been set in stone either. Canterbury would have nothing to do.
  18. What does it matter? Government funds programs via the tax payer and encourages behaviour with tax levies. Again, so what?
  19. How has it done since March 2009 when everyone said Obama would cause it to go to zero? The news says the Dow has doubled - that's a 100% increase. Guess Obama get blamed for it going down and gets credit for it going up, too.
  20. Yes, the temporary payroll holiday that funds social security was temporarily cut back and has now gone back to what it was in 2008.
  21. And the buy back gets those guns off the street.
  22. Guns sales are impacting the American economy? You honestly believe gun sales are driving this? Bollocks. And I don't think you really comprehended the articles you were quoting. How about what people were saying in the past? asdfasdfasdfasd said the improving economy was about to change last year at this time. My link My link And I told him I would bookmark it and remind him of this. My link LotsToDo said $4 petrol would kill the recovery. Instead, we hit $4 petrol and handled it nicely. As the price of petrol increased, it became cost effective for the oil in other places to
  23. Resources and programs that further an education and help prevent violence and substance abuse reach more students (and are more cost effective to society) than not minding the gap and letting the students fall into a societal loop of poverty that is very hard to break.
  24. "Justify" the comment? Hardly. I have no problem with the weaponry. I do have a problem with the American educational system that is not demonstrating a sincere effort at addressing student needs. Yes, that is another topic, but the "officials" should be addressing the prevention instead of the cure.
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