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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Slow and steady growth. It also shows, like I said, that the preliminary numbers were aberrational and did not have the whole story.
  2. Would you prefer the Fox News link? My link
  3. The preliminary numbers were aberrant (as I said) and the new information coming in is that the American economy likely grew during the last quarter of 2012. My link
  4. You quoted and highlighted another post that did, and certainly implied it. My link
  5. Only this was not an MSNBC nor an NPR article.It was the US Today survey of economists. It's a newspaper that surveyed the economists.
  6. It's not yet full benefits as heterosexual couples receive, but the Pentagon is expanding partial benefits to same sex couples. My link
  7. The survey of economists says that mos economists see faster growth and more job creation in 2013. My link
  8. Hardly. I was pointing out the politics of the blog to which you linked, making it quite politically biased and thus proving my point that it is very much about politics to you, just as Riptides pointed out. I made a post about automakers and hydrogen vehicles and you made this all political. Furthermore, I ask again you respond to the private message you sent me as moderator on here since I showed you IN BOLD that it was YOU that first mentioned the politics in that thread, not me.
  9. Notice the exrreme bias in the very beginning of the blog to which you linked. But it is what happens when politics drive science.
  10. You're not following along here. I posted about the US Trade numbers. You are not talking about the same thing. Please try and stay on the same topic. If America doesn't buy from other nations, other nations don't buy from America. It is a symbiotic relationship.
  11. The people that do have the science background are saying you don't know what you're talking about. Also, I got your message you sent me as one of the deputies on here. Check your private message box for my reply and you will see again that your assertion there is wrong as well ... again. That was not ME that said that but YOU as Guard Dad that said it. It is bold and highlighted for easy reading.
  12. Riptides: Told you. This also means, like I said, Guard Dad didn't understand this earlier post of yours. My link
  13. Get ready. They will label you next and the attacks shall surely come.
  14. The trade deficit for the United States shrank to its smallest gap since 2010, another indicator the American economy is growing more than the aberrant GDP number of a few weeks ago. My link
  15. The stress reported during the Great Recession has declined, but Americans are still very stressed, especially the 20-somethings, who are turning to food and inactivity to pass the time. This directly leads to health maladies. Mental health is serious and stress is a major factor in physical health problems. My link
  16. And who said I was trying to add to the discussion? I simply made a statement in response to the person who asked me about a scenario, a scenario that it is not even about the topic. I wasn't aware there is rule against it.
  17. And I've not discussed the issue. I simply pointed out that the person's statement wasn't even on the topic of the proposed legislation.
  18. There is the personal attack again. Notice, please, you have a habit of not being able to control your temper very well lately.
  19. No, I'm simply not discussing the issue at all. It should be prima facie as to why this is a bad idea. If it is not, there is nothing I will be able to say to convince you otherwise. I said it is a bad idea and won't discuss it any further because it would be pointless. Sorry, but your example is not what the proposed legislation addresses. Please. If you chose to discuss the issue, you should say on topic.
  20. Again, this post reminds me why I'm glad my children attend boarding school. You're not even discussing the issue. Please. Continue on.
  21. Now this post reminds me how wonderful the boarding school is option is for my sons.
  22. It's all politics to these people. Excellent post.
  23. It is this nonsense that reminds me again how wonderful the boarding school option is for my sons.
  24. There are two current bills being considered that would allow certain school board employees to have firearms in the schools. My link
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