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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. So do I. But you linked to an on-line Forbes article so I'm not clear as to why you made the comment I read the North American Clean Energy trade journal.
  2. Many major automakers are working on developing a hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Some parts of the American marketplace that are open to non-traditional vehicles on their motorways (California and the American Northeast) already have begun a hydrogen infrastructure. The audio is 12 minutes. My link
  3. Every Friday, my local NPR station presents a Story Corps piece and today's was particularly touching. The audio link will open up and there is a 13 second ad. Worth the 3 minutes. My link Bonnie Brown with her daughter, Myra, 15. Despite Bonnie's disability, Myra says her mom is everything she needs from a parent.
  4. Absolutely. I agree. 100% I agree. In this case, I was responding to the call that Mr. Obama did this and how dreadful it was. I have to wonder, if it had been an American Right Wing president who instituted the payroll deduction holiday, would be also have gotten the blame when it expired? Fact is, the holiday was a very good move for either side on the political divide and it has now come to an end. Trying to make political hay of it is, really, an ignorant attempt.
  5. Ignorance is everywhere. This is really, really sad.
  6. To the American Right Wing Extremist ... Anything bad happens, it is Mr. Obama's fault. Anything good happens, Mr. Obama had nothing to do with it. Anything the Extremists don't like, it is Mr. Obama's fault. Anything the Extremists like, Mr. Obama is trying to stop it. It's a very simple world.
  7. I was using the term as the American budget definition, of required spending that the American taxpayer pays into and receives money back (or simply receives money from the program), verses spending that is discretionary, e.g., roads and such.
  8. Honestly, you're wasting your time with this. You're not going to get anything but political talking points.
  9. Why should I? It wouldn't have mattered. People chose to live in denial and not be forward thinking.
  10. It is coming, whether anyone believes in it or not. The technology and renewables will be developed more and more, the American marketplace will become more like Europe on the renewables in the next few decades. It is coming.
  11. But I have PhD professionals who work for me and your comments are not what they are saying. So I chose to believe them.
  12. Nothing about the science, though I know better from the people who work for me. And the "drill, baby, drill" is naive. Whatever you wish to believe is up to you.
  13. The only taxes that went up on Americans is the payroll deductions, and that is simply a reinstatement of something that was temporarily suspended. The payroll deductions fund the entitlement programs. Income taxes did not go up except on those that make over 450,000$ a year.
  14. An article in the publication of Business Week presents an interesting situation. It seems the short term unemployment picture has returned to pre-2008 levels, but the long term unemployment levels are much higher than before the Great Recession. And, it would seem, the problem is that employers are discriminating against those who have been out of work more than 6 months. My link
  15. The younger, more progressive generation will demand it. The changes are coming, if only from the American demographic. The Old Guard is not going quietly but it is going.
  16. One of my favorite US towns!
  17. Renewable energy will, one day, be the norm for the American marketplace. One day.
  18. I agree that the wine in this deal is not up to the normal standard. I disagree that the information about the meal's preparation and background --- I want to hear it because it makes the meal more interesting. Some foodies care about it and others do not. And I want the wait staff to come often since I don't want something to be missed. To each her own. On the other hand, you did agree at one time that Hal's had the best steak in the city so there is hope for you yet.
  19. I agree about Bacchanalia and Eugene --- two very nice restaurants, particularly the former. As for the wines, I wouldn't call them table wines, but these are not the usual wines paired by Aria. I'm going on a limb and suppose that is why the meal is priced at a discount. A designated driver is always a good idea, even if small amounts alcohol. Normally my husband and I would just make a night of it and stay in the city using the transportation system, or hire a motor service for the evening. If another couple accompanies us, one of them will certainly be the designated driver since n
  20. The rest of the story. 1. Perception is not matching the reality. 2. The American people are blaming this malaise on factors other than the economy. 3. The American people want changes in policy. 4. The people of the United States doubt the ability of their political leaders to deliver on #3 above. .
  21. Most of the time, you get what you pay for.
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