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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. One of my favorite restaurants is offering a special meal. 5 wines. 5 courses. Aria is always very good. This is an excellent offer for people to try Aria, one of the best restaurants in Atlanta, at a discounted price. Aria website. www.aria-atl.com/ Aria blog. ariaatl.blogspot.com/2013/02/james-macphail-wine-maker-dinner.html McPhail wines. macphailwine.com Sequana wines. www.sequanavineyards.com
  2. Tonight I have a business dinner at The Palm. In fact, I'm moving from this conference room to the cocktail hour in about 30 minutes, and we'll just walk over to there for dinner after that.
  3. The latest report on American jobs shows that jobs grew faster than previously believed in 2011 and 2012, and the job outlook in America for 2013 is very positive. My link
  4. I have all the used equipment at the facilities I manage sent to the Tommy Nobis Center.
  5. The entitlement spending (in fact, all spending) is what the United States political structure is discussing now. Entitlement spending, under current American law, is set BY LAW to increase with the aging Baby Boomer population. Again, the Americans are discussing NOW how to decrease that spending. I'm certain you know that and why you are asking the obvious is very puzzling.
  6. Notice who goes after someone personally and who doesn't retaliate.
  7. This is exactly my point. You made a statement but cannot support it, a statement that is entirely political in the first place.
  8. And perhaps I've having George Clooney give me my massage at 4PM today instead a young lady name Natalie.
  9. Notice, please, another personal attack from this person. And notice there is no retaliation. That person calls others names. I asked for examples of their policies that "got us into that mess." So are you saying those people caused the economic calamity? Please cite specific examples to support your claim. Otherwise, it is all about politics to you.
  10. Again, you're choosing to believe only what you want to believe.
  11. Again ... If one says, "this is how I see things, even though the evidence doesn't suggest this to be true," I would have no problem with that. That is an opinion and everyone is entitled to hold their own opinion. However, one should be prepared to support that opinion with evidence for substantiation if one is to argue against the opposing view. In other words, when an expert says something, there needs to be more than an opinion presented to argue against it. If one builds a platform to argue, but the planks are not factual, then the platform is not valid. Very, very basic fore
  12. No, the problem is I ask for evidence to support the proposition, a proposition that is not supported with factual information. And, it should be noted, if the experts are saying one thing, and those who are not experts are saying something quite different, who should be believed? If one says, "this is how I see things, even though the evidence doesn't suggest this to be true," I would have no problem with that. That is an opinion and everyone is entitled to hold their own opinion. However, one should be prepared to support that opinion with evidence for substantiation if one is to arg
  13. I'm not defending Mr. Obama at all. Not, In. The. Least. Remember, I did say that the American people would make a better choice with Mr. Romney, did I not? I'm simply giving the information the experts are saying. If you disagree, fine. However, notice the graphic you posted and tell everyone it is NOT about politics to you. Buggeration.
  14. Proving, once again, it is all about politics to you. Your graphic makes the statement quite loudly.
  15. No, It's not. That's a very amateurish statement. But, whatever.
  16. It depends on the policy. Call your agent as that is the agent's purpose
  17. Oh, bollocks. That's why it says CURRENT laws. The reduction in the entitlement spending for the Americans is being worked on now. The components there are Social Security and Medicare, not other spending, that will drive spending. The Baby Boomers are a 30 year problem, nothing more.
  18. Wrong. The American income tax is the lowest since World War Two. The regulations are there to protect something or steer a certain course that is needed. It is a blanket statement to say regulation when that includes all sorts of things that are very needed also. Small businesses are the lowest paid jobs and the most transient in the American job market. It the corporate market place that produce the best paying jobs with benefits, though there are always exceptions.
  19. Sigh. I'm really sorry, but that is not how it works. I'm sure you think it is that simple, but it is not, and trying to explain it to you is pointless. You're letting politics get in the way and colour reality.
  20. Not at all. Try this article. My link Ten Signs the Economy is Improving in laymen's terms, from 2011. Things are vastly better in just 2 years. . My link Survey of workers say things are not getting worse. Seems the majority of paulding.com are the minority nationwide.. My link The American based conglomerate General Electric says the economy is improving. My link More people are traveling. My link For more information, let me Google that for you. My link I will refer you to Brian Westbury/ My link
  21. I'm not entirely sure where the question of spending came into this, but the amount of the spending is irrelevant. The spending relative to GDP is the important issue, e.g., a 10,000$ debt on a 50,000$ salary is big, but the same 10,000 debt on a 100,000 is much less of a bother.
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