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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I'm afraid you're reading waaaay too much into my comment. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever that the weapons were purchased and used by the school constables in such a way as the article described. None. None at all. Do a cost analysis: the chances that the school constables ever need to use those weapons are almost zero. However, it is guaranteed to be used weekly (daily?) if the school "officials" would utilise money and other resources to help at risk youth stay in school and away from violence and substance abuse. Please don't assume.
  2. From those links. Just saying. Meanwhile, Georgia's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased to 8.6 percent in December, up one-tenth of a percentage point from 8.5 percent in November. The rate was 9.4 percent in December a year ago. Georgia's labor force grew by 4,159, reaching 4,804,459 in December, its highest level since February 2009. The labor force has grown by 64,384, or 1.4 percent, from 4,740,075 in December 2011. The number of long-term unemployed workers declined by 7,600 to 195,000 in December, its lowest level in 34 months. The long-term unemployed—those out of w
  3. No one is saying this is truly wonderful economy, but the point is that it is vastly improved over the last 4 years.
  4. This is the best number since January 2008. Granted, the number is still open for adjustment and the economy is only improving slowly, but the numbers have improved considerably in the last 4 years. My link
  5. A study has demonstrated the risk to women who smoke has been underestimated significantly. Frankly, it is a tragedy. Please. If you smoke, please stop. This is a huge drain on our community and national resources, and it is something you don't want to put family through with the odds of what will eventually happen. If you don't smoke, thank you! Let's try to make the world a better place and tobacco free. My link
  6. Oh, rubbish. That is quite a blanket statement there.
  7. The "officials" who made this decision are crazy.
  8. zoocrew

    Gun control

    The quote does not exist. You know it. I know it. Everyone who reads your post can see you got caught and smoked by a girl with much more education than you.
  9. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Come on. You were saying the quotes WERE in those essays. Anyone reading your posts can see that. And after I called you on using a fake quote and gave the link to the essay, you began to back track. Please. Now you're not even being honest. The quotes are not in any of Hamilton our Madison's works and a search will show that the only reference are the same fake quotes you gave that said they were from the Federalist Papers. You're the one claiming the quotes are real. You should know that one cannot prove a negative. You said the quotes were real and you are the one to provide the lin
  10. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Riiight. Anyone who reads that post will know you are full of tosh. Everyone can see you are saying the quotes are in the Federalist Papers, since you even gave the essay number and the "quote." The quotes do not exist in their essays or any of their writings. You got fooled with a fake quote.
  11. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Yes, because I'm waiting to make certain he is still going to hold to his position about the Hamilton/Madison quotes. This is too easy. Very, very easy. He posted 3 "quotes" from the essays of Hamilton and Madison in the Federalist Papers. These quotes don't exist. My link
  12. zoocrew

    Gun control

    You cannot give the quotes from Hamilton and Madison because they do not exist in the essays (as you quoted) or in any of their writings. Again, those quotes don't exist.
  13. Actually, the research has long suggested that using red ink lessens the overall achievement because the color is more emotive, almost frightened at the use of the color as it intensified the emotion and anxiousness. It is not saying the parents are not involved. It is merely showing that research has demonstrated that there is a better way to do it. Other studies with color have showing that soft pastel colors work much better in emergency rooms since it relieves an already heightened stress level, for example.
  14. And another color wouldn't have the same result with your mum? The article is only showing what the research has demonstrated, i.e., that there are better ways to do some things.
  15. The study didn't say the papers shouldn't be corrected but that another color works better for the child to learn from it, instead of being almost frightened by the corrective instruction.
  16. zoocrew

    Gun control

    I am offering to verify my claim that I have more coursework than you do in the area. That can be accomplished via a third party without publication. I have the right to that privacy. I have made the offer in good faith and can easily verify both of our claims. Now, let's get back to your refusal to give a link or citation to your outlandish claim that Hamilton and Madison made those statements? Remember all the Federalist Parts are on liner and so are the writings of both and there is no record of those quotes.
  17. zoocrew

    Gun control

    I shan't play this game any longer. I am more than willing to have the credentials between examined only that I insist it be done with the strictest of privacy and not published openly. A third party examination could easily accomplish both the examination and the privacy. Yet, you refuse. Please put me on ignore.
  18. zoocrew

    Gun control

    No, I never said I had a degree in Constitutional Thought but that the concentration was in that area as it pertains to civil liberties and the associated history. It is a history degree(s) with the coursework designed for that track. Fine. I will remove the request for the charity donation and we shall simply compare education credentials in the area of the Constitution and the associated coursework from regionally accredited institutions. (Although everyone knows this is very silly of you since it is a charity donation. If you've really "retired" at age 35 and have enough money to love c
  19. zoocrew

    Gun control

    I simply stated that I do have the degrees and am more than willing to have my entire educational achievement examined since you claimed in other posts I don't have them. Again, I have degrees/certificates from 4 different universities/colleges. You've claimed to have a science degree and a minor in Constitutional Law from a college. Wonderful. Second, I am more than willing to have the comparison of formal education between us on the American Constitution and the associated courses. Since that is the area you want to have examined, I accept that challenge of coursework from a regionally a
  20. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Because this has been so much fun.
  21. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Everyone will see this post and the final announcement as to who is really more educated on the Constitution. Come on. Let's do this comparison of credentials. You've already retired at 35, right? Then a 1000$ American is nothing to donate to the charity of my choice. I will have my assistant prepare the certified cheque and have all the documentation sent within 24 hours. Come on. What do you have to lose? You already said you have a science degree. My link You said Constitutional Law was you minor. My link And you said you would have no problem telling people because (as you
  22. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Now you're wanting to back out. Fraud.
  23. zoocrew

    Gun control

    Not illegal. It is a charity contribution. And now you're changing the story. You said CONSTITUTIONAL EDUCATION, not Constitutional Law. I merely added those other areas since that is where my training is from different institutions. But I am more than willing to go with the comparison on the Constitution from the regionally accredited institution If you want to limit it to history pertaining to the Constitution, I am more than willing to do that. And now you're changing the quote you're supposed to be giving to a recitation of the falsified material. No. We've already establi
  24. Now grocery stores I do frequent and I fill my trolley each time! Yes, I do believe you have Carrie Nation and her hatchet gene somewhere in your lineage.
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