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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I'm sorry but I believe you didn't read the graph properly. In fact, I'm certain of it. You may contact the Bureau of Labor Statistics if you disagree with it. What exactly did you disagree with in my post? Again, I don't think you understood what I was saying. Please give s summary of what you believe I said so I can better explain it and see where is the disconnect.
  2. I know of the trials and tribulations of doing just as you've described. Whilst it is frightening, it is also rewarding. Alas, I shan't go into details of the personal endeavors my husband and I do since that is quire private and we decided from the onset to not discuss those things outside a very select personal set of friends.
  3. The question was about meeting payroll and making decisions running a business, including my own. That is what I do everyday as far as budgeting and running the operation, as well as what I do with personal endeavors. Don't assume I only do one thing. There is a multiplicity of things my husband and I do. Another fan!
  4. No one is saying things are in great shape. I've said it many, many times that things are slowly improving.
  5. I must have struck a nerve because you seem, well, out of control. And, yes, I have, and do, to above things that you said I should get back to you when I've done those things. However, your post does show a bit of a tendency to make up what I've said instead of actually reading it. Perhaps you should get control of yourself next time before you post. Breathe.
  6. I agree. It is fixable. There is, however, a wee small problem. Not in a free market educational system and no centralised administration of the apprenticeship type programs as in Europe. The educational system would have to begin tracking students in the early teen years to apprenticeship training programs, or to technical educational programs, or to the university system educational track. That would require a complete overhaul of the American educational system and the political will to make such a massive change. I don't see it happening. In short, I agree with you that there shoul
  7. I don't think you quite understand correlation here. Inflation is wage-induced, as well as correlated to many, many other factors. I'm not even going to attempt to go into all that with you. Believe as you wish. I never said interest rates CAUSE inflation. Please. Read what I have posted and don't just make up things or make assumptions.
  8. Since 2002 the American Civil Liberties Union has called for the removal of full body scan machines at airports as they are an invasion of privacy and a violation of the American Constitution's 4th Amendment. Finally, the TSA is removing the machines. My link 1 My Link 2
  9. That is the sad reality of the world we live. If Americans are to compete in the global marketplace, then America has to be willing to implement a system so that it is not just he wealthy that can afford a university education. Other nations have free education; perhaps America should consider such an investment. Of course, the "personal responsibility" and "pull up by your own boots straps" means that there will be winners and losers. Those that lose in the education game will be in a very difficult situation for the rest of their life. Like LPPT is saying, there are no answers to this.
  10. Absolutely. That is always the case. However, there are fewer people with college degrees unemployed than without the college degree and are unemployed.
  11. Oh, buggeration. You said: Lighten up former member. The quote by Washington was to make a point not to have you spew your knowledge of history. Stifle it. I responded by sayingL So when Dan Rather falsified a story about President W. Bush to make a point, it was not a big deal? The point is that the quote of Mr. Wshington from Guard Dad was a falsehood. You said it was no big deal, basically, because it was only to make a point and the fact that it was spurious is of no consequence. I asked, if that were true, then when Dan Rather gave a falsehood, it was no big deal because really
  12. That is a problem. When only the wealthy may afford the education of their children, a defacto nobility system is created. Thus the political will is needed for America to make sure that education is affordable to those who have what it takes to do it, not just those who have the money to pay for it.
  13. Exactly. And that is why the college degree is worth the time, effort and money for the society as a whole, not just the person and the employer. It is good for all of us and for the future generations.
  14. I'm going to disagree with you. It wasn't Carter's policies that produced the stagflation but the natural market course. The president doesn't control those sort of things.
  15. You do understand that professional positions range from entry level finance positions, to first year physician residents, to accountants, to any number of things. Many professional positions do start at lower salaries. That is just the real world. But I am certain the BLS would love to have your input and analysis of the numbers. The information is there. That is the official chart from the BLS. I'm sorry you don't agree with the information. So if the information says one thing, but your opinion is another, I'm trusting the applied chart of the reported numbers.
  16. The president of the United States has little, if any, control over the economy, just like he has little, if any, control over petrol prices. Economic policy can steer the current, but the river is going to go where the river is going to go. There are natural declines and natural increases. There is a recession in every economy, on average, every 5-7 years, reegardless of good or poor policy. That's just how it goes. Whilst Obama - like W. Bush before him - did the absolute right things with the bail outs and spending, all it did was stabilise the market long enough for the system to c
  17. The first thing to do is to file a service event with the Long Term Care Insurance provider. Immediately. The date of filing starts the elimination period clock so you need to contact her financial adviser immediately on beginning the process. The LTC company will then give you the contracted providers' numbers and you may select one from the approved list.
  18. Have you tried Social Vinings? Loud, but good. And Aria is almost too wonderful to put into words, so I agree with you. Ever tried Babett's Cafe? Across from Manuel's Tavern. Drinks and appetisers at Manuel's and then walk across the street to Babett's. Very good! Oh! And for seafood, Legal Seafood is quite good! ANotehr hidden gem for Italian is La Pietra Cucina. They have some very nice wines for less than $100 that will stand up to any other place in Atlanta.My link
  19. +100 Exactly. I don't hire any on-line degree people. None. I will consider an on line graduate or post graduate certificate program for those are designed as such even as on campus programs. However, the on-line degreed applicant is not even going to get past the lady who opens the mail for my assistant. I am going to have to say something here: I think you're missing the bigger picture. It is not just the degree that prepares a candidate specifically for a job. The degree trains the mind to think critically, manage time, achieve deadlines, show a tenacity, demonstrate an ability
  20. So I want to make sure I understand what you're saying. You are predicting HIGHER unemployment. HIGHER inflation. And a RISE in interest rates. I ask that because inflation and interest rates are correlated, so a rise in one tends to support a rise in the other, though there are many, many other factors involved and there is not always a perfect correlation. However, the unemployment is antithetical to the other two, except in a period of stagflation. So I am wanting to know exactly what you're predicting.
  21. That is just so wrong. And so funny.
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