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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Oh, Bollocks. There is no way to explain so I'm not even going to try.
  2. Oh, Buggaration! That is totally uncalled for.
  3. Oh, Bollocks. So why have any child in any situation with any adult if the circumstance presents the same problematic instance?
  4. There is no evidence that gay Americans are perverts. Gays are very normal in every way. Your remarks are very disturbing. I'm rather appalled.
  5. I know many doubted the good news about the American housing sector last November when I mentioned it. My link Turns out, the housing sector is doing well and continues to track very positively for the United States. My link
  6. One poster said he didn't believe the initial November report that revised the new jobs number of 386,000. He said he wanted to wait for the revised number. Ok. The revised number say 422,000 jobs were added instead of 386,000. Thank the gods for the revised number. My link
  7. My link Also, remember that as the economy improves, there will be an initial uptick in the unemployment number as more people formerly out of the market will re-enter.
  8. I found this brief article that explains, in laymen's terms, how to read the jobs report that seems to engage a kerfuffle when it comes out. Whilst very elementary in its explanation, it does give a basis on which there can be a reasoned discussion about the numbers. My link
  9. Here is the link to legislative and public policy programs by various American states aimed at curbing obesity. My link Here is the CDC Adult Obesity page. There are many tidbits of information here. My link
  10. Ounce for ounce and comparing cost of granola to a candy bar, the former is by far the better option. The new guidelines are basically saying: The children have a dollar to spend in a vending machine and are hungry, so what is the better option for that moment? Granola. By far.
  11. There is more evidence that eating the largest meal early in the day, and the lightest meal later in the day, will help dieters lose weight, even if the caloric intake is the same. This is not a scientific theory yet, but the evidence does suggest it, even though many researchers say there is no proven correlation. Still, the best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. My link
  12. Republican Governor Rick Perry of Texas is urging Boy Scouts to continue its ban on gay members and leaders. Perry's words are anticipating an announcement next week that the Boy Scouts may soften its stand on the issue, and let local groups decide for themselves whether to admit gay members and leaders or not. My link
  13. Except that it is an urban legend. The actor who plays the role on CSI never said this. It was another Robert Hall. My link
  14. Under new guidelines by the United States Agricultural Department, schools will have to limit vending machines with candy bars and instead will be seeing granola bars and dried fruit in their place. The nutritional standards are aimed at helping to curb the problem of unhealthy eating habits. My link
  15. The big picture is the improving economy is being seen in the improving jobs market. My link
  16. The largest North American televised event is the American Super Bowl and a group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns will air an ad. The group is comprised of over 900 mayors. My link
  17. Just another viewpoint. http://video.foxnews.com/v/2134675145001/
  18. Behind smoking, excess weight is the leading health care problem world wide, although Americans seem to be particularly susceptible. New evidence suggests the tendency to over eat may not be so much a question of will power as much as it is tied to evolution and the survival instinct. This is not to say the malady is not entirely without volitional functions, but the evidence does suggest that there is something more primal about situational behaviour when it comes to eating. My link
  19. Punxsitawney Phil says winter is almost over. And this year, Staten Island Chuck agreed with him. Traditions like this are quite colourful. My link
  20. So you're saying the American policy of Quantitative Easing was a bad move. This coming from the person who said: Recession talk in November 2007 was just doom and gloom chatter? My link That the economy was growing in November 2007? My link That economy was "robust" and "growing" at the end of 2007?My link That anyone who had taken an economics class could read the numbers and know things were very good in December 2007? My link Or that the Taliban is crumbling in 2007? My link
  21. Ten Signs the Economy is Improving in laymen's terms, from 2011. Things are vastly better in just 2 years. . My link Survey of workers say things are not getting worse. Seems the majority of paulding.com are the minority nationwide.. My link The American based conglomerate General Electric says the economy is improving. My link More people are traveling. My link For more information, let me Google that for you. My link
  22. You're not going to get anywhere. It is all about their political agenda. Whatever they can spin to make political hay, they will. Things can't be getting better because, to them, that would mean Mr. Obama's policies are working. So they say it could be better if the Right Wing policies were implemented, policies that they admit would mean serious cuts in spending and make unemployment even worse, slowed GDP even more, and made the recovery not even begin until, maybe, now. Of course, that would have been great news since that would have meant a political victory sweep for them in 2012. So the
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