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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. This is different! Ever heard Old McDonald sung in Zulu style? My Link
  2. The global food price index is at a record high and that can cause more political unrest in marginal nations where the poor already spend the bulk of their yearly income on food. My Link
  3. I can't even remotely see the connection unless the Jamboree was in Egypt. Somehow I doubt that. Or maybe someone put a connection in that wasn't there to begin with.
  4. Excuse me? I simply said the banks have to follow the rules too. If they do not, the lawsuit is a viable option and it SHOULD be done. The news reports are filled with examples where banks have NOT followed the law. Yes. In those cases the lawsuit is the best way to go. I'm certain many situations are like you've described where the fault is not with the bank. In those cases, the lawsuit is NOT an option because the fault is not with the bank. I've found that most of my friends who have tried to get their loans modified have sent in ALL the papers and even show me the emails and check
  5. Because the Federal modification program is the law and the banks are not following the law. Banks have to follow the law just like everyone else. The program doesn't say everyone will qualify for a refi, but if someone does, the banks must follow the law.
  6. I don't understand that response from your insurance. It didn't cost a penny to replace my 2 windshields in the past year with 2 different insurance companies. Was it a star fracture or a crack the size on Oprah's butt?
  7. I know of one lady who has been trying to get a modification for a while now and Chase keeps giving her double speak, asking for more info and then lying to her over and over saying she said such-and-such (or her husband said such-and-such) and they have to start all over each time. She is so frustrated. I don't understand why companies won't do the RIGHT thing. And we won't private companies completely in charge of our health care with no government oversight to hold their feet to the fire? Crazy.
  8. So many different ideas about what should or shouldn't be done. Guess there's no pleasing everyone. As long as the waiter checks on me/my party periodically, keeps the drink glasses filled, and doesn't try to strike up a conversation with me, I'm fine. I'm eating. I didn't invite the wait staff to have a chat. So I don't want to hear about the relationships, the kids, the school, the job, the nothing. That's my biggest pet peeve. I'm sure others enjoy a conversation with the staff but that's why there are different strokes for different folks.
  9. Gotcha. The companies can sell in any state they are registered but they have to go through the process with each state and be subject to each state's regulations. I know you know that but I didn't want anyone to read this and think companies can't because the Federal government won't let them. It's a state regulation thing, not Federal.
  10. Your brother can sell insurance in GA as long as he gets the GA license.
  11. Yes, because the people to whom Surepip said the money was flowing was REPUBLICAN. Does that not compute with you?
  12. Religious zealots come in all brands and do all sorts of crazy things.
  13. I had glanced over those posts in the past but I never had any idea of the amount of money or the extent of the problem. I'm not blaming any party but in this case, if what Surepip said is true, there is some major problems going on. Oh, get over your self-righteous self. I wasn't painting anything as a "Republican" problem but as a corruption problem since it certainly looks like there might be some sort of machine in place if what Surepip said is true. I don't care what party it is, if that stuff is true, some people have had to have turned a blind eye to it and YOU DAMNED KNOW IT.
  14. I don't understand. I hadn't heard anything much about this and just assumed it was a small time thing that would be settled and be over with. Is this for real? I mean, really? Are our former county leaders (and evidently some current ones too) THAT corrupt? Funneling money from the tax payer to their re-election campaigns and using a lawsuit as a means to fleece us and finance themselves is just DAMNED WRONG. I'm not doubting what you're saying, but I just find it hard to believe the local Republican Party has not done something about this if it were true. Where has the local Republican P
  15. You forgot to mention whether or not the state screwed up the investigation, didn't follow the rules of evidence, violated the idea of fairness or the rights of the defendant. The state has to do it right regardless of the guilt of the person. If we don't make sure the state follows the rules for the guilty, they will stop following the rules for everyone and then innocent people are even more in danger of having liberty taken from them.
  16. On sale is THE understatement. It is a great merlot! I've got two bottles I picked up Saturday because, at this price, I'm going to have myself a great weekend!
  17. Yes, it is enormously more expensive to give someone the death penalty as a sentence than life in prison because of the costs associated with giving the sentence. At that point, the state bears the cost for all the appeals and work. A sentence of life without parole is by far the cheaper route.
  18. I've got it bookmarked. Talk to you soon, Shug!
  19. And make the necessary adjustments for utility over time. You know better than that.
  20. Right. And along with that shift will come a change in how people live too. They will shift things but not stop things. You know better than that.
  21. The price elasticity for gasoline demand is about negative 0.7. Given that we had $4 gallon gasoline and handled it, I do believe it can be handled again.
  22. The trial is over but the argument is the state didn't follow the rules. If that is true, the conviction is overturned and there will have to be a new trial. That's the law. That's the way it works for everyone. I disagree with the idea of a fast track and don't believe it would get the Constitutional nod. BTW, I'm not against the death penalty. I have no problem with it. None at all. What I object to is that it makes no sense to spend that much money when life in prison is cheaper and has the same effect - except the whole revenge thing. And I have a problem with the fact that the poo
  23. The state still has to go through the process and abide by all the rules. He doesn't deserve better than what he gave that women. But we are better than he is and have to live up to the principles that all people are treated the same, even the SOB he is.
  24. Sure. The right to a fair trial means that everyone gets the same process. The state has to follow the same rules of evidence for all cases.
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