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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I'm going to say this as nicely as possible but do you understand how a footnote cites information?
  2. Are you serious? No. You would be wrong to take it that by "crazy" I mean "insane." One day - somewhere - there will be a Right Wing assault by some crazy person and suddenly the Right Wing is going to try and fluff it off as being crazy and nothing more. Mark it down. When it happens, I will remind you of it. That is NOT what I said. Just type what you want me to say because that is what you want to hear.
  3. OMG. The report gave what the officials said. Fox News also gave the same report. Notice footnote number 2 in the Wiki page. So both NPR and Fox said the same thing. Will you accept the Fox News report?
  4. So those Army reports that questioned his sanity mean nothing? My Link
  5. So you characterize someone with something that is blatantly untrue and you don't expect a response?
  6. No. That is not what anyone is saying. Only that words do send messages and we should be careful how we say things. No one is suggesting those words shouldn't be used. "Targeted" is used in business and normal conversation all the time. But cross hairs do send a message that might push someone over the edge. Should the cross hairs be outlawed? Of course not and no is saying speech should be limited. What is being said is that the political rhetoric can be toned down to be more civil. The guy is CRAZY and that is why this happened.
  7. My God. It's still going. How many times does it have to be said that no one is BLAMING THE OTHER PARTY? The exact OPPOSITE is being said. Just tell us what you want to hear and we'll say it so things are much simpler. I don't know if there is a comprehension problem or if the "other side" is just so bent on their political cause that they can't hear what is even being said.
  8. You didn't understand any of that post. Tell you what. Just type a post that that says what you want me to say and I will just sign my name to it because you are not going to be happy unless I'm saying what you want to hear.
  9. For the MILLIONTH TIME. No one is saying it is ANYONE's fault except the crazy man. However, it could be that the rhetoric pushed him over the edge and that MAYBE that was the case but MAYBE NOT. That is the sort of rhetoric that needs to be CALMED DOWN because it could push someone over the edge. No one is saying that that is what happened in this case but just like with the Army Major who shot up Fort Hood who was completely nuts but the extremism pushed him over the edge. Words have power and we simply need to be cognizant of what and how we say things. Let me say it again. No one is s
  10. That sounds like a browser issue where the browse is set to not save passwords and stuff.
  11. Exactly! But no one is saying it is that, but that that sort of rhetoric can spur a deranged person over the edge to do that.
  12. Let me repeat this for the umpteenth time, NO ONE IS DOING THAT.
  13. I don't think you've been reading the same thread because no one has blamed anyone. We said the EXACT opposite.
  14. That's what we've been saying in this thread.
  15. Bu the landowner who happens to see some bodies walking around can't make that determination either, now can she?
  16. Airport screening is really stupid. They are already in the terminal. They can do more damage with the bomb IN the terminal than on the plane.
  17. You objectivity is COMPLETELY shot. No one, including mrnn, is condemning Palin or anyone else. You're politics have colored your view of this tragedy and anyone else that is having a discussion about issues around this crazy man's actions.
  18. OMG. For pointing out the obvious he is "spewing?" This sort of defensiveness is unbelievable.
  19. No one was insulting you and I apologize if you took it that way.
  20. You agree with ES but continue the posts against others who are saying the same thing?
  21. Yes! That sort of stuff should be taken down too because it is inflamatory and can push someone over the edge. My God! How much more simply can it be put when we AGREE WITH YOU.
  22. Do YOU know when it was removed? The point is that that sort of stuff is just not appropriate and is perhaps irresponsible because it MAY push someone over the edge. No one is saying it did. No one. Just saying that, like the Army Major that happened to be Muslim, rhetoric can be a catalyst that pushes the crazy over the edge.
  23. My God! What ES said is all mrnn or I or WFL have been saying.
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