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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Did you get this sort of story from Fox? Are you saying you're a moderator and that you're going to move my thread like you did last time?
  2. That's not what the report or article said. It said that men who had thinning hair in the early years need to be screened more. It is not saying that men with a full head of hair shouldn't be screened. What's the use of this finding? The researchers say there's a great need to figure out which men are at higher risk of prostate cancer so they can be screened more often forrising PSA levels, or perhaps consider taking a drug that can prevent prostate cancer.
  3. Fed officials have revised 2011 outlook to say the economy will grow 3.9% instead of the 3.4% estimate given in November. The Gross Domestic Product was also revised upward to 3.6% from 3% just four months ago. However, unemployment is going to be a problem for years to come. My Link
  4. French researchers have found a link with guys whose hair begins to thin while in their 20s are twice as likely to get prostate cancer. My Link
  5. Global warming is causing more extreme weather events, including the almost Biblical flooding in Australia. Computer models have predicted these sort of extreme events and new research is validating the correlation. My Link
  6. The governor is expected to sign the bill that would allow same sex couples to enter into civil unions. This will make seven states that allow civil unions for same sex couples. Six states plus DC already allow gay marriage. My Link
  7. Looks like the Sunday alcohol sales may not even get a vote in the state Senate. The Christian Coalition began putting pressure on the Republicans since they have the overwhelming majority and now there is doubt if the state will allow local communities to vote on Sunday sales. My Link
  8. You forgot to mention that retail sales were 7.8% above Jan 2010. Sales figures don't go straight up. And there was a 2 week snow storm in that time period too. Still, sales are up 14% since Dec 2008. Rising prices mean expanding economy. Inflation is welcome right now. Everyone knows and fully expects housing to remain weak for years. I see you didn't mention auto sales that were up 0.5%. Nor did you mention the Empire State Manufacturing Report that showed manufacturing was still improving. Don't forget food prices are up because of the dramatic shift in weather patter
  9. I'm well aware these people compete to get on the show. The point I'm making is that the show takes these people and uses them. Yes, they are willing participants, but like Pay Day Loans, they are still being exploited in order to create an audience to sell advertising space.
  10. Personally, I can't stand those shows. I think they are sexist and put people in situations for the purpose of exploiting them. JMHO.
  11. The leader of the Minutemen American Defense, an AZ anti-illegal immigrant activist, was convicted of two counts of murder, an one count of attempted first degree murder, in the home invasion for robbery to bankroll her border watch group. My Link
  12. The NY Federal Reserve President said that the US economy is doing well but the unemployment is still a drag on the economy. He expects the improvement to continue for the next two years but it will take time to get unemployment down. My Link
  13. The meditation program worked so well in one "end of the line" prison that AL is considering expanding the program to other prisons in the state. My Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA8XFEyeMi8
  14. Looks like Valentines Day is a lot like Christmas. It was a pagan celebration that the Christians cleaned up a little and then the businesses took it commercial and us for a ride. It is now less about love and more about money. My Link
  15. That's why we have laws against TEENAGE drinking. We're not talking about legalizing TEENAGERS being able to drink but about adults being able to purchase alcohol when they want instead of a religious group deciding their holy day gets special treatment.
  16. They're working pretty well. Have a teenager go to Kroger and try to buy a six pack.
  17. The bad part is that people actually fall for this and the award of $4million US due to the unfortunate death of someone who left money to the lucky email address if the lucky person would only supply their banking info.
  18. We already have laws against under age drinking.
  19. You mean the people that are closer to home and want to put their version of God in the US laws like the Muslims want to put Sharia Law into their countries. Got it. It should be interesting, no?
  20. The $1 a bottle dish soap from Dollar General works. For fleas, a robust amount of lemon juice before and after the shampoo works wonders. Get the lemon juice in the bottle; don't waste your time squeezing the things.
  21. Nothing. Nothing stops people from buying as much as they want the other 6 days. But why should the state decide what religious holy day gets special treatment?
  22. The death penalty means there is no swift justice and it much more expensive than life without parole.
  23. If my husband had to be Mr Mom, it wouldn't be Paula Dean but more like Mr Bean around here. He is a spazoid when it comes to cleaning, cooking and taking care of the house.
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