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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Hold on, Hun. This is not a "liberal" position. This is the law and has been this way for a LONG time. It is the very foundation of our legal system. You're missing the ENTIRE point of what the appeal is in this case. It is NOT about his guilt. That is not the question at all. The question is did the state follow the rules. If they did, then there is no problem. If the state didn't, then there is a problem. The government MUST follow the rules in order to make sure the process works in EVERY case. Not some. Not a few. Not a majority. EVERY case. The government must follow the same rules. T
  2. I feel ya. But that is not the basis of our legal system. It is set up regardless of the guilt of the person in capital cases to make sure the state did everything right, too. It is not just about guilt for the appeals, but about whether the state did everything right, fairly and by the book. The system is designed as it is because we view life (even of a guilty bastard like Ledford) to be the liberty that we value more than anything.
  3. It is much easier to play the political game than to work on real solutions.
  4. I hear you. But that is not the way the system does it and it set up for a reason. The state takes the death of a person (even a guilty person) so seriously that the state takes on the defense FOR that person. In other words, we value the right of the person to live as much as we value the life of the person that was murdered. Why? Because all people deserve the same treatment when it comes to the ultimate deprivation of liberty. Sure, he is scum. No, he doesn't deserve it. But the state values life (even a bastard like Ledford) so highly that we want to make sure the process is followed to th
  5. I understand what you are saying. I really do. But that law is set up so that the state has to follow the rules. All the rules. Every last one of the rules. The accused gets not only a fair trial but the presumption of innocence AND the state has to dot every i and cross every t. The system is not just about justice but the procedure. Those technicalities also let innocent people go free too. The court does NOT have the right to deny the appeal. The appeal is automatic. The appeals are not just on the facts of the case, but the facts of the process and the procedure. I get it that
  6. And other years were extremely low on an historical basis.
  7. "Liberal tree hugging puke" is a name in my book. Very disrespectful. And you lied about it, too.
  8. Exactly. The law is as it is to protect everyone. The price of liberty is so great that we are willing to let guilty people go free just to make sure one innocent person is not deprived of liberty. The best way to not have to pay the huge costs in a death penalty case it to not seek the death penalty. Very simple. No, we wouldn't. When we had the system of hangings for capital cases, there were still murders. Quick and painful death for people makes us feel better than we got some quick revenge but the problem is that haste makes too many mistakes and innocent people die - people
  9. I was "downsized" in Feb 2008 but my husband's work is fine. We're fine right now but at some point I will go back into the job hunt. For now, I have the hardest job of all and that is taking care of my husband and two little boys.
  10. I don't disagree that an increase in petrol price will cause problems. I am saying that our petrol price at the pump has been kept low while the rest of the world allowed it to increase and their society adjusted quite nicely. It is now time for us to have to do the same.
  11. The price of petrol has not kept up with inflation. It is still nowhere near where it should be. I don't appreciate the rude name calling, either.
  12. Bookmark my post and get back with me in 20 years. You'll see what I'm talking about.
  13. It means the global economy is in recovery and finally gas prices are catching up with where they should have been after inflation for the last 30 years. It also means people will need to start moving closer to their work place and driving smaller, more efficient vehicles like the rest of the world.
  14. I have to ask if read the Iowa paper since it said the uncertainties were due to the need for more advances in measurement and these advances could in measurement could definitively show climate change is certain. It was a very old paper, by the way. Same with the Alabama paper that was 14 years old and didn't include the last decade's information.
  15. These animals not only communicate, they differentiate. They have a different "word" for hawk, human, coyote and dog. And then scientists have discovered the little boogers will describe the human according to shirt color. They also can distinguish between a circle and a triangle. My Link
  16. The first decade of the 21st century is the hottest on record. I doubt this will solve the debate but it is another report to consider. My Link
  17. It's always been a problem. Don't forget Alexander Hamilton was born out of wedlock. Then there was Jefferson and Sally Hennings. Nathaniel Hawthorne even wrote The Scarlett Letter about it. It was very common, especially with no birth control.
  18. No. Out of wedlock births have always been a problem, even in Colonial America despite the harsh punishment of lashings. My Link I don't think we can argue cause and effect here. I mean, did the Colonists blame the spice trade from the East Indies? Or the slave trade on more out of wedlock births? We're always looking for an evil to blame all of society's problems on. Sure, out of wedlock births are now and have always been a concern but no more today than always since the numbers move all the time.
  19. None of those mentioned so far in this thread.
  20. Thanks to exports, US manufacturing is doing three times better than the rest of the US economy. Things are certainly improving. My Link
  21. It isn't a sign the points to the present or future but a sign that points where we where a year ago. People lose their homes after exhausting all avenues after losing their job. Foreclosure happens over a year, not a few weeks.
  22. I did. That article was talking about a small sliver for a week's worth of numbers. Those change every 7 days. I don't think anyone has said that unemployment won't get worse until it gets better. The numbers I've heard and been reading are for another 1% increase in unemployment for another 8 months or so. The article also said our exports are growing and that is good news. I pieced together several news factoids I've collected over the last several weeks for my post. I think the bigger picture is the better thing to view.
  23. Selective telling. The jobs report for 07 January 2011 showed that December's unemployment rate fell to 9.4%, That is the lowest we've had since May 2009. I'd say that is quite an improvement, especially since the expectation was 9.7%. What's really important to note is that the job gain was 103,000, which was well below the expected 150,000 increase, and the private sector payroll increase of 113,000 also fell short. That's not good, but it is still better than the negative numbers we were seeing the first part of 2009. You also didn't mention that the disappointing employment rep
  24. I was having the same problem but it was the notification settings that (I guess) were set to default when everything changed. I checked the box and all the PM notices are back like they were.
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