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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I don't have the little PM box under the names anymore either.
  2. It was a joke. So far I've never needed one except for the home purchase. If DH doesn't get home by Saturday like his boss promised, I will need one for manslaughter after I ring his boss' neck.
  3. This one looks like it followed what the 6th Circuit allowed and fixed what the 8th Circuit disallowed. But I'm no lawyer and thank God every day I wasn't cursed in that way.
  4. AZ just passed emergency legislation regarding the funeral protest. This one is, I think, within the framework that allows free speech and protects the family. My Link </span>
  5. Right, and the 8th Circuit decision stands also. I think (and I'm trying to find it now) that the Supreme Court is supposed to be hearing the appeal but I can't find it. Yep. There it is. I thought the appeal was being heard.
  6. Yes, we are talking about 2 different cases, but the issue was the same.
  7. Three months later the 8th Circuit said the 6th's ruling was limited and the church could protest.
  8. Sure. If there is a bill that says any protest has to be further than, say, 2 miles, then we run into the problem of limiting the speech since the forum that makes the impact is closed off. On the other hand, if we have a special provision that is only for funerals, the court can conclude that the law was specifically aimed at limiting that one group since that is the only group that protests at funerals (generally). I just don't know if a law can be passed for this. Whatever bill does get introduced, would have to include all assemblies and not be seen as cutting off the speech's forum.
  9. No, no one did assert that. I'm just stating the obvious. However, many will want that. A bill that limits the free speech won't get through the courts. It's been tried before.
  10. As putrid as their speech is, they have the right. As long as they obey the laws, they can say whatever they wish. We cannot silence them anymore than we can silence anyone else that has an opinion about the murders in AZ.
  11. Unless you have pics of the neighbor doing the Wild Monkey thing and a taped confession, I wouldn't say a word. Even if I did know, there are some things better left unsaid. It is concealing a truth, but not all truth is worth telling.
  12. Believe it or not, 700 people were charged in Pennsylvania with disorderly conduct for swearing. Local police added hundreds more to that count. The charge carries hundreds of dollars in fines and up to 90 days in jail. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled years ago that profanity is legal as long as it not threatening nor obscene. After the latest lawsuit, the Pennsylvania State Police has agreed to stop citing individuals for disorderly conduct for profanity and to provide mandatory training to its officers about free speech as part of a settlement. My Link The settlement has th
  13. I've gotten an email and text alert from my General Practitioner, dentist, OBGYN, CPA, orthopedist and ear/nose/throat specialist, all saying they are closed. They send those out every time something like this happens. A few other professionals / businesses I used have done the same thing. I think it is a good business practice and very professional to do that.
  14. Glenn Burns. He said we're all screwed until Friday.
  15. The phone gods have smiled on us all. Verizon is expected to announce the most wonderful news since twist off bottle caps Tuesday morning - Verizon is about to have the iPhone. My Link
  16. One thing I've notice - pcommers don't mind telling what they think. It can be brutal in here.
  17. I don't think an army of salt trucks and plows could have gotten the roads open with this sort of storm. Wonder how much this storm will cost the state and how much we will spend that we don't have? Wonder what departments will take the cuts to make up the difference?
  18. I feel ya, but the state has no money because they taxes keep getting cut. It is either salt for the roads or even have a road.
  19. That is GREAT news! The economy has a long way to go to get out of the whole and unemployment is the last to get fixed but it is certainly getting better!
  20. The researchers say they don't know why or how this fits but they can't deny the findings. Kids born less than two years apart have significantly higher occurrences of autism in the second child. My Link
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