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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Because in order to get a judgment, there has to be a proof that the city knew of the hazard and failed to act. Otherwise, there is no negligence and the lady has the entire assumption of risk. In order for the lady to prevail, she has to show the city knew of the hazard and failed to act on the knowledge. There is no need to make this personal. He needed a better work comp attorney.
  2. I realize it is not the biggest snake in the world. It is the youtube itself that is the treat.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT86xaR7ByE
  4. As long as gas is cheap, no one demands alternatives and oil companies have no incentive to develop other options. Drill. Drill. Drill.
  5. There are several things here. First, we don't know the extent of the injury. It is very possible that the injury was so profound that, for a 35 year old, it would mean near immobility in a few years. Second, we have to assume there was negligence since the award would not be given without culpability. That would then mean that the municipality failed to act on a known hazard. Third, the $2500 or so looks like a deductible for the event. So, yeah, there could be a dozen surgeries but the deductible covers all of the care due to the single event. Fourth, like it or not, we have
  6. The scientists involved in the email scandal around climate change, and the charges that the data was manipulated, have been cleared. The Department of Commerce Inspector General conducted the independent review and found no data manipulation or inappropriate procedures by NOAA scientists. This follows several British investigations that also cleared the scientists of any data manipulation. My Link
  7. My oldest son has to bring in a science current event on Monday and this news report was perfect for what his class is studying. Scientists have found what they think is one of the "missing links" of the insect world. My Link
  8. I posted about this last month but some insisted it was not that big of a deal. Looks like the budget is a big deal and the governor thinks it is important too. The problem is that we can't afford the feel good laws that "get tough" on crime. We have to start making choices about what crimes we want to say are no longer worthy of long sentences or even prison time at all. My Link
  9. With kids, Disney is hard to beat. Great time, every time. Carnival is fine if you just want to do a 3-5 day. That's what Carnival specializes in doing. Nothing wrong with them for what it is. Royal Caribbean is more upscale and nicer than Carnival. Celebrity and Holland America are similar to Royal Caribbean and we had a blast on those. My favorite cruise was on Regent Seven Seas. Very nice.
  10. 67 dolphins have washed up ashore along Gulf beaches in the last few weeks. More than half were babies. Researchers believe there oil spill may be killing off more and more life in the Gulf. We need that oil. Drill here. Drill now. Keep that price down. The ecosystem be damned. Our kids' world is irrelevant. Drill. Drill. Drill. My Link
  11. I am going by his personal story, the finding of the chaplains and the finding of the court. What are you going by? But that is not what the law says. We go by that.
  12. You are assuming he is a spoiled brat. You are assuming he is lying. You know the guy without ever meeting him? Judge much?
  13. Maryland's senate passed a bill allowing same-sex marriage. There is a part of the bill that won't force clergy to perform ceremonies that are against their personal religious views. My Link
  14. So his duty as your version of a patriot is more important than following his religious convictions? God is not as important than country? I guess that means the law is not all that important to you and we can just ignore laws or the Constitution when it doesn't fit our agenda. We have the CO law in place to protect people from the type of things like Afghanistan where the Taliban decides what the religious view should be for everyone.
  15. I don't think you've been reading the entire thread. He said he would pay back the cost of the education in the very beginning, long before the legal fight. He agreed to pay it back. He is paying it back. The tax payer is not at a loss here. So what is the problem? Many people's religion is different and they don't believe they can serve in the military. You cannot make one religion fit everyone like they do in places like Iran or Afghanistan where able-bodied men who don't fight are killed for being anti-Muslim.
  16. Your assumption is that his religion is not sincere and that he was planning on doing this all along. Maybe. The evidence, though, is that that is not what happened. He began the counseling process about his religious views over time. That would indicate he had not planned on defrauding the Navy and that is what the ruling said. And a lot of religious people do not serve in those roles. Not everyone has the same religious views. You are trying to say that one religion fits all. It doesn't.
  17. Why didn't we figure this out after Katrina?
  18. Could just be the pollen that has already started. Cold med. Allergy med. See what happens. But I'm not trained in any medical field and I'm only saying what I would do. This is not to be construed as giving medical advice in any way, shape, form, fashion or degree. Just speaking as a mom with three kids.
  19. My Link Careful! He has not been convicted of any crime concerning drugs or prostitutes. You can't say that about him because there are consequences for saying things like that. This is a public message forum and the words you type here can sometimes come back and bite you - just do a google search and you will find lots of examples of pending litigation that involve issues such as this. I personally am going to think long and hard about what my little fingers type out for "the world to see". <sarcasm>
  20. It's still experimental but a promising pill may just be able to cure cystic fibrosis. My Link
  21. Scientists have only perfected it in the lab but it looks like there is a promising development that uses evolution in a fungus protein to kill the malaria parasite in the mosquito. If this can be put out on a large scale, it is possible to prevent the calamity on so many people. My Link
  22. Besides it not being true? But you can look at the demographics and see it is not true. The academies select from a broad cross section to reflect the entire population, as it should be. There are many criteria.
  23. A committment he made as a teenager, not as a mature adult, and a decision that began with a question on a Naval psychological exam. The CO status is not given to some but not others. It is there because it is needed. Decisions about killing change. Religious views change. The law requires CO be given an honorable discharge because there is no time table on when Jesus finds someone. His time. Not ours.
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