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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I'm moving to Canada. It's crazy down here.
  2. Well, I do disagree with you on that one but that's what makes America such a great place - we can discuss and not worry about persecution for what we say or think.
  3. Are you serious? They do pay more because the taxes are in that price. That is what I said. Your article was pointing out that the taxes are the difference. Right. That's my point. That's what I've been saying. Come on, now. Why do I want to live in the city when my husband works just a few miles down the road in West Cobb? I do wish we had a mass transit system and that we had been forwarding thinking 50 years ago to tax gasoline for that purpose. I'm sure you would agree to that. You forget the reason the Europeans do live in clusters is because they have zoning that forces that
  4. Did you bother reading (or understanding) what you posted? That's been my point all along.
  5. A glass of Paso Creek Merlot ($21.90 at Kroger). Maybe two glasses if I'm pissed off.
  6. I am so lost. What lawsuit and when / what is this all about?
  7. Even in that case, the Constitution DEMANDS a fair trial with the state adhering to ALL the rules of fairness. The evidence still has to be presented. The case still has to be made. The rules still have to be followed. The guy still has a presumption of innocence.
  8. That is what the free market determines, isn't it? For the record, we have consumer spending that can handle $4.00 a gallon right now. But, like I said, we'll see in a few months / year if there is going to be a dip / stagnant economy has that person predicted if gas continues to rise to the point where the consumer has no room for the extra cost.
  9. Show me where it is allowed? The fact is that the basic premise of our legal system is that justice treats every case the same. The Constitution doesn't allow for two systems. It's more expensive to give someone the death penalty than to house them in prison for life.
  10. I will do it. We'll go over this again in a few months. The rise in gas prices will only hurt the recovery if it goes up too much. We'll see.
  11. Here's the reason>>> if we believe that justice is blind and everyone is treated the same, there can be no fast track. The system has to work the same for everyone including Ledford. A fast track program is simply un-Constitutional.
  12. Mark this post and get back to me in a year from now.
  13. Yes, there are many factors in the price of petrol. Yes, if the price goes up too far, it can hurt the economy. In this case, the rise in petrol means there is a worldwide recovery showing demand and production are up. The economy is vastly improved since first quarter 2009. Ask him.
  14. Could be something medical going on with them. Be careful. You don't want to regret going off on them later on when it was something out of their control.
  15. Then you really should ask him and see if improving economy doesn't mean there will be a rise in gas prices.
  16. And I gave MY assessment. You are not the definitive answer either. But I would hope you would save this thread and we come back to it in 7 years.
  17. He did lie. Truth is a valid point. Since where are only conservatives Republicans? Since when are liberals only Democrats?
  18. That's where I completely disagree. The only way justice can be blind and be real justice is if we do not have that sort of fast track. Remember it was the "science" that convicted Cameron Todd Williams, science we now know was 100% wrong. That's why we cannot have that sort of fast track and must allow the system to play out in every death penalty case.
  19. You called me a PUKE. That is personal. It is name calling. And you lied about it when you conveniently left PUKE out of your rephrasing. And how many Liberals do you know who are pro life, anti union, never voted for a Democrat in her life?
  20. It will take years to get unemployment down. That is the last thing to change. You really shouldn't mis-characterize the improving economy with the unemployment since those two things are not the same. It shouldn't surprise anyone that unemployment is where it is considering the depth of the recession we entered in 2007 and got out of in June 2009.
  21. First, I'm not liberal. Far, far from it. You are so far to the extreme right you don't recognize a genuinely moderate postion. Second, you did lie. In post 18 you called me> But hey, anything to make you liberal tree hugging pukes happy. In post 19 I said> I don't appreciate the rude name calling, either. Now I don't think anyone would argue that your statement was personal about me and that you were calling me a liberal tree hugging puke. In your next response to me you said in post 26> I did not call you any names. I just said you were like a libera
  22. I hear you. I really do. But remember that the jury was totally convinced that every person given the death sentence was absolutely guilty too. We can't have a two-tiered sentencing, even in the Ledford case. We have to have a blind justice system and that means the same avenues must be given to everyone, even Ledford. Finally. Someone gets it. Those same lawyers also defend innocent people who are falsely accused by the state. It happens very often. Without the lawyers to make sure the state follows the rules, no one is safe from the abuse of the state. No one.
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