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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. I just post the video and you can think what you want. My Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xb9JoGyy98&feature=player_embedded
  2. Kidney stones. I do not recommend them
  3. What is more good news is that the temporary jobs are being converted to permanent jobs, and the initial jobless claims are going down too. That means fewer people are losing their jobs and more people are finding permanent work. These businesses are going to start hiring more and more to keep production going. My Link
  4. I'm certain you know that unemployment continues to rise for 12 to 18 months after a recession is over, and the economy improves long before the unemployment numbers catch up, right? Considering how bad things were, it will take years to get unemployment down to something reasonable. That's what I'm reading.
  5. The number will probably get revised but right now a 9% rate of unemployment, coupled with the strongest manufacturing numbers since 2004 mean the economy is getting stronger. Still not good but certainly getting better each month and has been for about 16 months. My Link
  6. I so hope so! BTW, the Paso Creek is STILL on sale!
  7. I remember so many of the guy friends I had in high school who we all thought were just the sweetest, caring people, who later we find out were gay. Some of them shocked me, frankly. Others, well, we all knew but just wouldn't say anything. When I look back on it, it is easy to see now (even in some of best friends!) but back then it wasn't something we talked about. Thank God we are finally past all that as a society, for the most part. There is still much work to be done but the younger generation is much more accepting than my generation.
  8. There is new blog called Born This Way that takes childhood pictures of people that realized as adults they were gay, and the person writes an essay about their childhood with the picture as the focus. Interesting to read some of the essays. My Link
  9. This is great news! A drug that prevent delivery until closer to term would help so many babies develop better before being born. This is WONDERFUL! Let's pray it works and time proves it to be safe. My Link
  10. Those are SOOOO good! By husband LOVES those! I even pack him a zip lock baggie when he has to go on long drives to different places.
  11. Anyone else think those things are DA BOMB?
  12. Ok. I chuckled. I shouldn't have. That's wrong. But I did chuckle.
  13. Wasn't Adrian Paul a complete DREAM!
  14. Looks like US manufacturing is the strong suit right now. The economy is chugging along. It will still take years for the unemployment to come down but the economy is well in recovery mode. My Link
  15. Just great. All we need is more money going for a court fight. Why are we wasting money like this? My Link
  16. I'm gonna disagree with most on here. Time doesn't heal the broken heart. Nothing does. What does happen is that you learn to live with it, how to cope and how to move on. "Staying busy" is terrible advice because all it does it teach you to mask the hurt. It's entirely OK to hurt and feel the pain. It's not OK to let that pain debiliate you. You are allowed to hurt and to express your feelings. Don't let anybody tell you they "been there" or "know how you feel." No they don't know how you feel because those are your feelings and nobody else is in your body to know how YOU are feeling.
  17. If you'll notice, Shug, I re-quoted the other posters post and only changed the "left wing" to the "right wing." It was meant to make the point that what is being said by one side can just as easily be said by the other side. At no point did I say I agree with the statement but used the device to show the hypocrisy. If the Right can say it, the Left can too. If the Left can say it, so can the Right. It's amusing to watch as you missed the entire point. And for the record, I agree that the health care bill is a terrible monstrosity that is a terrible thing to put on the American people
  18. For the same reason the extreme Right was upset with the judges ruling that the AZ Immigrant Law was ruled unconstitutional. WHY are the right wing extremists so angry about the judges ruling on unconstitutionality of the AZ Immigrant Law. Is it because they are angry that a this fascist law may not stand the the litmus test of the constitution? Or is it because they do not want to be handed a slap in the face of the extreme right wing agenda with embarrasment when this bill is struck down by the SCOTUS? If it fits one way, it fits the other.
  19. That is really good! Another postulation is if a person watches news all day (especially news that is designed to get people worked up emotionally) that person is going to be pissy and have a sour outlook on the world.
  20. Excellent point but don't expect anyone on the extreme Right to understand that. It is only "judicial activism" when they don't like the ruling.
  21. Absolutely the economy is improving. Haven't you been paying attention to the news?
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