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Everything posted by CreativeOne

  1. great cake & gorgeous daughter! congrats!
  2. office type phone or home "office"?
  3. sounds like a great deal .... passing this along to friends! thanks
  4. tonight be the right night to make any colored snow!!
  5. we have a winner! What time should I expect to have my dinner delivered?
  6. nay .... you were just trying for vegetable beef (flavored) soup and just forgot the () as part of the title, right?!?!????
  7. ... not a thing bought by me yet. DH did a bit today, have NO clue what he got as I didn't tell him what to buy As far as buying, I've got a partial list in my head & 9 people to buy for (10 if you count DH ). I'll probably have it all completed this weekend, I usually do the first weekend or two in December. Catelogs & Internet are my friends Let us know is there are anything to "donate" to her. BTDT, that weight loss is a great thing to celebrate!!
  8. Plus with the checks where you automatically get a "copy" of it, I can file the "copy" within my medical expenses/bills files or the charity donations or ??? and get a copy for tax purposes
  9. I volunteer to taste both versions and let you know which is better!!
  10. Hey Misty! Don't know anything about lasik ... but hoping you and A are doing great!
  11. We started out to replace the carpet with laminate. If your floor is not perfectly flat, we were told you couldn't do it. We went with pre-finished hardwood, but in the thickest oak we could afford - so we could refinish if needed. 10+ years later with 2+ large dogs and 3+cats, I'm not even thinking of refinishing yet
  12. He does try to explain himself a lot, doesn't he? Tries to defend his position, knowing it is "wrong"? Heard about his 10 minute + rant at a concert for his fans, trying to defend what he does and what he thinks and ???? .... dang, glad I wasn't there and paid good money to hear a music artist sing. he.needs.help.big.time.
  13. Are you going to publish your paper for us to read?
  14. GO FALCONS! and Surepip, you are a "bad" influence!! j/k .... not the first to have a 2 yo pick up words.
  15. ^ very similar to what I was working on for a reply. & not to mention the tens-to-hundreds homosexuals who are currently serving (though silent on their sexual bias) - none of them have even come close to doing any betrayal of country as they are only looking to serve
  16. welcome home lppt! sounds like you had a good time
  17. I didn't even notice until you posted this. It is very nice!
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