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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. So the Briar Patch could be another member of the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" club!
  2. When was it robbed before?
  3. I hope he's alright. Please keep us posted.
  4. It kind of looks like a clump of wasabi.
  5. So, is anyone allowed to name the restaurant?
  6. Who was it on here that was talking about a work from home opportunity? Was it Blondiegal?
  7. I read that Qatar is one of the nations that took part in last night's bombing mission along side the US.
  8. I can't believe "Motel Hell" showed up in one of these threads. That would be on my list of never to watch again! Movies I watch anytime they're on: To Kill A Mockingbird The Green Mile Steel Magnolias The Family Stone Gone With the Wind Both Brady Bunch movies Shawshank On Golden Pond It's A Wonderful Life Any version of "A Christmas Carol", but my favorite is the one with George C. Scott. I actually have too many movies that I could watch again, it's hard to say - oh,and The Trip to Bountiful.
  9. The sides sound delish, wish I could develop a taste for lamb. I've tried, but just can't do it.
  10. Please, for any of you who have never read the book, or seen the movie - read it or see it! And if you've only seen the movie, I highly recommend that you also read the book. The movie stands on its own, but so does the book, just with more detail and back stories. I've got to say that both book and movie are pretty much my favorites of all time. I've read the book at least four times and seen the movie more than I can say.
  11. So far my husband has not tested positive for Ebola, but, then again, I haven't had him tested. Sorry, I know you're being serious, I just don't think it's time to panic.
  12. Couldn't the cop have just shot him in the leg(s) and not in the head?
  13. Wow, kids are complaining about school lunches? Unbelievable! Thought I'd never live to see the day.
  14. Funny, we watched it, or most of it Saturday night with my son and DIL. I did not enjoy it even with 2 of my favorite actors in it. I thought it was kind of hokey and way too slow moving.
  15. 21% increase for us - East Paulding area - house is almost 30 years old.
  16. My son delivered pizza for a while when in high school. A friend of his - fellow pizza driver had his car roll out of gear into the customer's house - we told my son that night that our car insurance won't cover it and quit now! The pizza places don't tell them this, and most insurance companies won't cover them. Word to the wise.
  17. Mid Spring of '71, my best friend's sister just got her driver's license and that song came on the radio - AM at that time. I got so excited the poor girl was about to have a wreck. Love Three Dog Night - many favorite songs, but I think "Ely's Coming" is my most favorite.
  18. Mods,you can move this. We've got a motorcycle/tricycle for sale. I know this should be in another forum, but I was hoping I could get this out there and not have to navigate hidden forums. TIA
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