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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Good to hear. Mt. Tabor is awful most of the time. Someone was actually classy enough to leave a commode at the Mt. Tabor entrance to the dragstrip. Somebody was good enough to finally pick it up and haul it off. What is wrong with people?
  2. http://www.fark.com/vidplayer/8586253
  3. Silly me, 1984, the year that Big Brother George and the Animals won the Grammy for their live version of "Live From Orwell's Farm", considered the "Woodstock" of the time. Ah yes.
  4. So, instead of vaccinations, why not throw a measles party! http://national.suntimes.com/national-world-news/7/72/617353/measles-parties
  5. Keep an eye out for Bruce Jenner. But seriously, that sounds wonderful - good for you.
  6. Prayers and good thoughts going out.
  7. Not Paulding, but not far - the new Zaxby,s on Dallas Hwy just past The Avenue across from Racetrac.
  8. It's foggy as all heck this morning and I would say at least 40% of the cars I saw on my way to work did not have their lights on. People, it's not so that you can see so much as it is so others can see you. Now, back to your regular programming.
  9. Soooooooooooo, for anyone that passes by this house on a regular basis, have you noticed the notice tacked up on/beside the door? It's on orange paper and reminds me of the type the county uses for zoning notices, etc. (I noticed that I, without meaning to, tried to use any form of the word "notice" as many times as possible in my post.)
  10. "Je suis Charlie" - I believe translates to "I am Charlie" if I remember enough from the 3 plus years of French I took back in high school. That was back before some of you were born. Sigh.
  11. I saw what looks like some type of official notice on the door of this house yesterday when I passed by. Hopefully this means something might be done about it.
  12. It is pretty much down in a hole, that's for sure.
  13. Down from The Avenue going towards Marietta, across from the Racetrac at Bob Cox Rd. The Village at Old Trace is the name of the complex - 3405 Dallas Hwy.
  14. Is hiring if anyone is interested. I've been seeing their signs for a couple of weeks now. It's a new chicken place that starts with Z being built in the office/shopping complex where my office is located.
  15. From the above linked story: "A Walmart representative later said the chain has no policy against printing out pictures with firearms. "We had a new associate who was misinformed. Her actions are not consistent with our policy," the representative said. Walmart officials said the policies have been reiterated to employees at the store."
  16. For his sake I hope he's practicing safe gun there. And to quote John Lennon "Happiness is a warm gun", and it looks like he's trying to keep that gun warm.
  17. Unless a person anticipated a shooting, why would they video it?
  18. So glad somebody finally posted about this. I'm surprised the neighbors haven't reported it as a health hazard with all the trash. And if I'm not mistaken, the house isn't even quite 10 years old. It was built to replace one that burned down I think about 8 or 9 years ago. I figured it was abandoned for one reason or another, but a couple of months ago I saw a girl or woman at the door accepting a delivery pizza. Wonder what the deal is.
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