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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. What would really make more sense to me is for the school system to say there is a $20 (or whatever) supply fee. Things like crayons, dry erase markers, paper, etc. could be purchased in bulk by the school system at a greater savings and the teachers could be sure to have everything they need.
  2. What do you think I'm up trying to do! I should look like I'm 100, complete with baggy eyes.
  3. I remember that! And then no power for about 3 days. And the instant coffee.
  4. I'm so sorry this happened to you! When I worked in an office in a "not so good" area of town, I had a button that I had to press to allow anyone to come in, an intercom to talk with whoever was outside, and a panic button. Check with your alarm company and see if this is something they can do for you for the times that you are alone.
  5. Only if the school sports stuff has to go in there
  6. I printed a suggested supply list from the county website last week. The teachers may request different items, but the list was there. I have a 1st and 4th grader too. The 1st grade teacher said they didn't need anything and the 4th grade teacher had not been hired as of open house so they simply passed out the suggested list.
  7. I don't know the name, but the address should be Atlanta Highway. It's across the street from (what used to be) Flag Auto Parts. It's near Distinctive Dentistry and several other businesses.
  8. There's a new one on business 6.
  9. That's now at bedtime!
  10. That's why I get there at 8:30. Gives me time to drop them off then compose myself.
  11. I would love, love, love it if you were there! My kiddos are still babies. I HAVE to be up.
  12. Well, it's been a tradition during my entire time on p.com, so anyone want to join me at Hiram Coffee House for a "boo hoo" breakfast on Monday around 8:30 after we drop the kiddos off for the first day of school? Or Your choice.
  13. That I could absolutely NOT care any less about what Michael Vick does.
  14. Black Or with some french vanilla creamer
  15. My daughter had Ms. Christy, she'll definitely be missed!
  16. Big {{{HUGS}}} If this young woman is anything like her mother, she is an absolute delight! Gather all of your information, you'll be prepared for the best decision for your family.
  17. Both of my children attended there and we LOVED it! Wonderful teachers and staff! Yes, they do have snack, but no naps. They also have an optional "lunch bunch" for an extra hour of after school play time.
  18. Missed you, we need to talk, a lot to catch up on!
  19. 1) that back to school clothes shopping now gives me a headache 2) that my 9 yo son now thinks he doesn't need my input in picking out his clothes 3) The daughter is going to be high maintenance
  20. It really is a small world after all.
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