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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. I do what I can. Can't roar too loud, I'm exhausted and heading out soon.
  2. I am WOman, I can be boss whenever I want!
  3. Oh my! the news keeps getting worse and worse!
  4. I think it was the 70s that I first had that, except my great aunt used to call it "Better than sex pie".
  5. I think the last name was "Petty", but it's not on the website yet.
  6. Link to data, please. 11 Alive just named him and showed his mug shot.
  7. Warning! Please! Talk to an attorney, there isn't correct info in this thread!
  8. Thank you all! Bumping this to be sure the thank you is seen by my benefactor.
  9. How many lives are damaged by one person selling meth?
  10. That's too bad. I like Paula. Kara, not so much.
  11. We REALLY missed being able to do it. Just wasn't possible with my Mom in ICU on a ventilator.
  12. My family enjoyed it. Wouldn't it be awesome to have an outdoor amphitheater for these type of events!
  13. My cousin returns from the Middle East in December to his home in FL.
  14. I don't know who you are or why you were lead to do an act of kindness, but I do thank you. My apologies to those who may have tried to reach me. My inbox is full, and I haven't taken the time to empty it. I hope to do that soon.
  15. Cabe


    Hmm, let's see . . . I START all kinds of things. I can sew, quilt, cross stitch, crochet, scrapbook, and mess around with other stuff.
  16. Awwwwwwwwwww, happy anniversary!
  17. Oh how I miss some of those things, and all the trips to TN for family reunions.
  18. Can't you check online? I renewed my license online.
  19. Was this after we talked?!?!?! I happy you are feeling better, take care of yourself!
  20. I can't believe y'all haven't discussed flourescent light bulbs.
  21. Cabe


    I wish the coffee ones were in "my colors". I love coffee!
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