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Everything posted by Hopper626

  1. Looks like they are fake Leather at the heel/ankle area.. Nail file didn't really work. Bandaids are coming off. Oh well! Guess I will try to walk the best I can with 'em and maybe try baby oil tonight
  2. Need some advise... I just bought the cutest shoes for work at Target. They felt fine for about an hour and now are starting to dig into the back of my ankle, about to cause blisters. Anyone have any tips to break in new dress shoes to avoid these little boogers from coming up??
  3. I read in an Almanac that we will be purdy warm this winter... and should stay that way. No Snow, Ice, Deep freezinz
  4. YES!!! The lady next door to us needs to cross that Speed bump
  5. Hubby had sore throat and slight stuffiness 2-3 weeks ago, DD had a Sore throat and stuffy nose last week, I have the Sore throat now and trying to fight the congestion... I guess I can't blame Obama, so I will blame this ever changing weather
  6. That is hilarious Anybody hungry??
  7. I Call B.S. on this article... I gave birth prior to my epidural kicking in . My husband, who can handle ANY pain, actually admitted that he would have coward like a.. baby (lol) if he had that much pain. Woman just make it like we can't handle much but we are actually Super-Heroes!!
  8. Not sure about a "No Pay" place but Highland Park near Cedartown is awesome!! Hubby rides there every few weeks on his days off. They have camping and lots of trails. $20 weekdays and $25 weekends. www.highlandparkresort.com Hubby said Moto Mountain is good too. Not sure how much they charge though
  9. Um... Where is this Wearhouse? If y'all sell Collegiate stuff, Do ya also sell Big n Tall collegiate stuff?
  10. Per my contact at the Sherriff's ofc: Searching for a Runaway Juvenile.
  11. He is on my "To Call" list when we sell this house
  12. No, Looked like the Chevy was black and the Dodge was white. My daughter kept asking me to turn on the scanner but my smartphone was acting up Hope it was nothing TOO serious
  13. I'm done, I'm done.. I'm done I'm done I'm done
  14. So, On my way to drop my daughter off with Grandpa, I stopped for gas around 6 this morning at the BP on Dallas Hwy and Macland Rd... 7, yes 7!!! Police cars stopped behind a newer chevy Pick-up and older model dodge Pickup (which also had an opened driver door). 4 Hiram Police cars and 3 Paulding Sherriff cars. It didn't look like they were in a serous rush for anything. A couple were just talking, 2 others were writing what looked to be tickets. Anyone know what happened? High Speed chase? DUI? Just plain idiot drivers ???
  15. Does anyone use Pinterest? How does it work??? I requested an invitation, but it says I am on a list.... Does that mean I can't do antything wiith the site yet?
  16. It may seem nosy to some, but I try to be aware of who comes up my street. We have had our fair share of Smokers, love-birds,and just plain weirdos (including the man who lives at the bottom end of our street riding his bike at 1 in the morning in a t-shirt and his Whitey tighteys!). At one point there was a Black Ford Focus that would come up our street, park in our Cul-de-sac at 8AM, walk down the hill to the back of a house, then back up the hill and leave around 4 every day for about 4mos. Hubby would just watch it day after day... Sounded like a "Covert operation" , but seriously, I kno
  17. We are off of Bobby Dodd and Graham road.... Hubby slept a little lighter Makes ya' paranoid!!!
  18. Be aware of an 80's model S10, Primer Grey Driver door, rest of truck looked faded black and a Silver late 90's's model Dodge Durango. Around 7:30 tonight hubby heard a vehicle idling in front of our house. When he opened our door, the s10 was sitting IN our driveway, idle. The driver of the Durango told the driver of the s10 "come on", they sped to the cul-de-sac (maybe 2 house lengths away), then sped back down our street. If anyone sees them, be aware. Not sure what they were doing, looking for, or planning but definitely peculiar. Didn't seem like the s10 was just turning around b
  19. When DH isn't home and it's just me and the kiddo, I answer the door with Glock in hand, hidden behind the door. Situation seems a bit strange as you said, walk 9hrs then be within steps of your supposed destination and stop to ask for a ride .. Thanks for the heads up!
  20. Yea, his balling like a baby in 09 against Bama was.. Priceless!!
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