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Everything posted by Hopper626

  1. We are moving as soon as we find a bigger house NOT in a subdivision
  2. By: The Hubby I think some people are not understanding... How am I to know WHAT you are doing? You could be making a deal, making out, making meth, calling your grandma..I don't know but I do know you are suspicious and belong somewhere else. Go sit in your own drive-way, on your own street/road, or in your own dang home!
  3. Definitely a good idea Dallas Bigfoot
  4. Hopper626


    ATTENTION Paulding County!!! Our neighborhood is NOT.. I reapeat, NOT a parking lot !! Please refrain from using the Cul-de-sacs as Lover's point for your make out sessions at midnight or your meeting place for whatever you feel you need THAT bad (at 3 A.M.) ! ((Before anyone makes a comment about Midnight or 3 A.M.-- Hubby works late and stays up when he gets home)) Dallas P.D. and P.C.S.O will be called and you will be forced to move your meeting elsewhere! Don't assume the smaller neighborhoods or those with unfinished lots gives you (or your teenager) the right to use it as a
  5. Aww, H___ Naw! That is WAY to young!!! I doubt I want my daughter to get a Social Media page until she's over 21!!
  6. #1- Wife was being a bit greedy! I would have stood my ground, said "these are for our daughter". Tell Wife to go find something else.. A Day late, A Dollar short honey #2- If they are so indecisive as to blame you for them not getting the shoes, there is simple solutions: DON'T GO SHOPPING WITH THEM AGAIN. That's NOT normal!! #3- Are you sure they didn't just put them back, then blame you, becuase they didn't want to feel bad about their indecisiveness? As they say in the "Real" world, it's easier to point fingers than take blame! My husband gives his OPINION on what I buy
  7. Yea, I kinda figured he would have to check a VIN but thought maybe he freked out when he saw people coming toward him. Plus, it makes me nervous..any my bill's paid!!!
  8. He was driving a Snatch-N-Grab truck with EVS or ERS or ERV on the side. Looked legit
  9. About 9 Last night, a repo truck came cruisin through our neighborhood, which sent me into a panic making sure we paid both of our vehicles. Hubby showed me his bill showing no past due and I check mine online..No past due. Phew! So, Repo guy drives up our road and stops in the Cul-de-sac (which has NO homes), then creeps back by our house. Stops half way down the hill and starts backing up Hubby and Bro started walking toward him to find out who/what he was because he backed up SUPER close to HIS truck then started eye-balling MY car (which was parked in the neighbor's driveway with n
  10. I could have sworn he came out earlier this year .. or did I just predict it with a vision Not a surprise though, he giggled like a little school girl on air one night
  11. Have you checked the Coil? Could be frosted over... ours did that. We found about 2-3inches of ICE on that bad boy!
  12. Ok, So I have flipped out and researched all the sites I can find to make sure my Stiff neck/Shoulders is NOT Meningitis. So far, I only have one symptom.. The stiff neck but it is stiff closer to the shoulder not the NECK itself. SO... Any suggestions for tight/knotted muscles?? It hurts to turn my head left or right.Putting my chin down to my chest only feels like I am stretching muscles. So, what can I do to ease it? Pretty sure I must hvae slept on it wrong the other night. Stiffness progressed all day yesterday
  13. So, I go back to my dentist today becuase my right lover gum/jaw has been aching BAD I am pretty sure I will need a Root Canal and I have to get a referral from my dentist. Here's my Question: If they have already shaved down my tooth, and I have temp crowns, how long should the root canal take after removing my temps? Will the appt still be about an Hr or more??
  14. Anyone ever have lots of achy pain after the Build-up process?? I am having a heck of a time with that now and Think I need a Root Canal... If they have already prepped the tooth, how long should a root Canal take to do? I have an appt to go to my dentist friday who should refer me to an endodontist. Anything to get the ache to go away. I'm tired of taking Motrin every day
  15. No root canal They did have to push the gums away and use cord. It feels a little better today. I have to prety much chew on my left side so I don't mess up the temps (yes, I am Paranoid). My left side hurts from hewing and I think my wisdom teeth are acting up. Can I just get a break? I will try teh Salt water, maybe that will help. Doc told my my gums were a little swollen and I should try to floss the Temps more and rinse with Listernine. Will this really help my gums get Un-Inflamed? Yesterday was just not my day. Pray everything feels better by tmo.. Graduations this weekend
  16. I had the initial build up 2 weeks ago. They were supposed to seat the permanent crowns yesterday but teh crowns were not cut right so back to the lab they go. For some reason, I think they were diggining on me thinking they could get the crowns to fit. I have barely been able to eat. The new temp crowns are OK but I just noticed bleeding Doc told me to floss and pull thru with Listerine soaked floss. I can't touch my temps the gums are way to sore. I am gargling with listerine though
  17. I had some work done yesterday at the dentist's office. A crown build-up. They were supposed to place my permanent crowns but couldn't b/c my gums appeared a bit swollen and the crowns appeared a little off measurement. So they did some molding, digging (for the 2nd time- 1st time was about 2weeks ago). My jaw and Neck are REALLY sore and were a tender to the touch last night. My skin felt super sensitive. Is this normal after 3 hr Dental appt?? Hubby saiys it is probably b/c My mouth was open and my neck muscles were out of sorts for about 3hrs straight. It feels a little better today t
  18. I hope it does ruin the Dallas Elem Kids' field Day tmo. My daughter has been looking forward to Field Day since Day 1 of school!! Dang u Mother Nature! We need the rain but hopefully she will hold off until AFTER Field Days
  19. Looks like it is fizzling out when it crosses the GA line .. Am I the only one hoping for some rain that can MAYBE cool us off?
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