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Everything posted by Hopper626

  1. Call D&M Tree Service (Shane Fields)- PM me if you need a number
  2. Wow! This just tells us how Screwed up our Justice system is. Guilty but Mentally Ill. How do you calculate a crime THIS well, and get off as ill? ...And someone PLEASE tell me the widow is going to face some prosecution? That woman manipulated her lover into ruining her kids' lives instead of just leaving her husband... Both men would have been better off without her I hope she sleeps well knowing she caused this fiasco .. I'd like to punch her in the Gut!
  3. Has anyone heard of band called Pistol Town? If so, what are your thoughts on them? and the Band mates?
  4. Sorry to sound so cold hearted but itsn't it POSSIBLE that he stumbled and fell after a VERBAL altercation with a bouncer ? I know the gf is upset but still... We all don't know ALL the facts and it sounds to me like Hiram PD is still sorting everything out too. There is such a HUGE gap in between the time he was asked to leave and falling. Just seems fishy On the subject of the Phoenix, Not impressed. Still a Dive The last time we went there (with some friends), some intoxicated chick was on the pole and fell on her A** . That was the one and ONLY, most entertaining and funni
  5. Oh Dang Mom and Dad live there. I bet dad will be Maaaaddd when he gets my DD from school today. He hates vandals
  6. Yes, I am inquiring on a friend and NO I am not sticking my nose in to fight teh battle for her, just helping her do some research... I have a friend who has 3 kids... Her husband is a deadbeat (can't keep a job, takes all of her money when she gets paid, etc). As far as I know he has not hit her but you never know. They live in a 2Bedroom house with HIS mom and brother. Apparently, she called my DH and discussed the option of leaving her husband because of his... Deadbeat-i-ness Well, Here is the question: Could she leave, take her kids, and go to a woman's shelter if he has verball
  7. PCom ladies.. Can any of you recommend a really GOOD nail salon, that won't charge TOO much? I don't want them to file and cut my fingernails, just all the rest of the manicure stuff I would like to go somewhere that will understand most of what I say and maybe does pedicures for kiddos too Thank you
  8. When you feel under-appreciated at work?
  9. Not sure about a Church Consignment sale but I heard there is a Kids Consignment sale This weekend at Jim R Miller Park Marietta
  10. El Nopal- Rockmart/Cartersville/Kennesaw; Viva Mexico (Powder Springs).
  11. Thanks, I will try anything Hubby has had a good at my expense though. He started p90x and loves it (so far) but kept telling me... "You need to stretch anytime u workout"... Yea, yea, yea..I know
  12. There is a B'ruptcy Atty on Merchants/Atl Hwy. I think his name is Jeffrey Kelly Bankruptcy may actually help in the long run. Good luck and prayers coming your way.
  13. Hi Pcom friends... I need some advice. 1st of all, I am not overally active, just trying to tone my tummy Sunday, I did a few crunches/sit-ups without stretching 1st. I could feel the burn as I did them and thought nothing of it. I woke up Monday, a bit sore but thought nothing of it. Woke up yesterday and felt like crap. Couldn't stretch without wincing in pain, when I sit for extended periods of time, then stand, It takes a minute to actually stand up 100% straight becasue I feel like my upper ab muscles are stiff and trying to stretch. My upper ab is a little tender to the touch at the
  14. Agreed She is scamming us and her age should have nothing to do with the situation. Scamming is scamming At this point, we just need to make sure we are ALL on our toes. I will be ready next time (if there is a NEXT time ). I will just politely ask her to smile for the Birdy .
  15. is it possible, she signed up for the coupons? or maybe input her info into some survey? I did that when I was pregnant. I hardly ever shopped at Target for anything other house essentials like Toilet paper and paper towels. Didn't buy anything for baby until I had already placed a registry... and still got coupons BEFORE I created my registry because I had signed up for some offer.
  16. The lady driving the jeep looked old and frail, which is why she knows people will give her money. Pity! I'm sorry but it's wrong. I passed a vague description onto a friend in the PD. I'm sure if they get enough complaints, Ms. Blue will have her operation shut-down!
  17. Well, we had our run-in with "Blue Jeep lady" Saturday night. We were at Paulding Bowling lanes with some friends around 8. I was inside, friend was outside talking to another friend. One friend came in saying there was some "old lady outside, crying that someone died and she needed money to get to them". LIGHTBULB I walked outside, while my other friend was chatting with the lady, and point blank said (in a rather loud voice ), "This lady is doing this all over the county. She is giving a sob-story for money then blowing it on Lotto and useless crap". Friend walked away from this lady
  18. Just saw the reason for all the LEO activity the other night on Patrick Dr.. A Gun sale gone awry!
  19. THIS is why my daughter will get a tank when she starts driving .. That way, if some little snot like this girl wants to ride her bumper, she will be well protected! or maybe I should just buy her a bicycle
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