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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I love Baby Land, and I see your grandchildren had a great time too. They sure look like they are having a good time. They are gorgeous children, proud grandma! I took my granddaughter there last year, and she still talks about going back. If you go to my profile page, you will see me holding my thirty five year old Helen Blue" little person". That's what cabbage patch baby's were called then. We were also there for the 25th anniversary of the Cabbage Patch. I love me some cabbage.
  2. What a mess! Can you imagine being in one of those port-a-potties? A real stinker.
  3. I thought trolls had humpbacks and lived under bridges.
  4. TP, I didn't start this thread to hurt your feelings. I really didn't. I just thought your wife must get tired of you being on the computer so much. That's the way I feel when my hubby has those marathon day's on the computer. If this turns into a beat down thread on you, I will ask for it to be closed if you wish.
  5. That's wonderful Ronda. I am so happy for your family addition, she is just beautiful. Your stepdaughter is glowing with happiness! Congratulations, and here's to many more grandchildren in the future!
  6. Wow, I love his music. I hate to hear of his passing. R.I.P. JJ. Your music will live on forever.
  7. COOL PUBBY!!!! Thank you, what timing, you're a lucky guy.
  8. What are you trying to do, get to my heart?
  9. Postman, why don't you take a day off and do something with your wife? If my husband was on the computer as much as you stay on here posting I would be jealous of your time. Pay some attention to something else for a day, You may feel better about the world. You might even get lucky!
  10. I just went on the school website and noted the supply list. I only bought what was on that list, but there was a "wish list" on the school's supply list. There was just a few items that were needed, so, I bought a few of the items since they were so minor, e.g., tissues, hand sanitizer. My granddaughter has always come home with the school supplies that I bought her, minus tissues, and hand sanitizer. I think I spent twenty dollars on everything. That's a Paulding school, i don't agree with the Cobb list, buying for every student. If there is not enough supplies for the kids, then I believ
  11. I am a member of the club already, and proud of it. I got shot so many times in one day I had to o go to the ER and claim poverty so I could be treated.
  12. Does Nair count? The snakes don't like the smell and stay away. That and a lawn edger keep things in order, If there is the off chance a snake comes along, a long handled hoe will do the trick every time. Chop, chop.
  13. I guarantee the accident victims were glad he was there to help. I bet anyone on this board would be happy to see Zimmerman if you were in the same predicament. Or would you rather die than have Zimmerman rescue you? WELL?
  14. They should have the names start with the same initials, like Kim, Kloe, and all those other K's. JK...
  15. Travon was 100% black. What the hell is with Obama ? The man very rarely admits to being half white. Oh, except during the elections that is.
  16. I needed my firearm to stand my ground!! It's obvious you have never been in a situation where you were so threatened, and scared as I was to be FORCED to use my firearm to ward off a threat. I had NO OTHER option.
  17. Easy solution, use ear plugs when you cross the county line.
  18. Now that's what I call a sweet dog. You should take a picture of him and his frog friend then post it.
  19. Not complaining here, just making an observation. For someone who is so for gun control, Pubby uses virtual Bullets and Bangs as discipline. That's fine with me, but, What's up with that? I have been shot more than once. Seems strange to me.
  20. I pulled my gun on a man who was following me, trying to run me off the road, trying to side swipe me to get me to stop. He finally got me to stop by cutting me off and I had no where to go. He got out of his car, ranting as he stormed to my car. I showed him my weapon, I made sure he saw me load one in the camber. He then promptly turned on his heels, got back in his car and left in a hurry. My weapon worked for me. I was threatened by the actions of this man. Would I have been guilty of murder if I defended myself? BTW, I had two toddlers in my car. I wasn't
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