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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. That's what I thought but I refuse to let it get to me. As far as kissing the butt of islam..... Not this woman.
  2. Hi. Welcome home . Party!!!
  3. I say thank you to the deputy that tried and tried to unlock my jeep. Then he was called to pick up a shoplifter at Wally World. He said he would be back to help me and he did. He never made it into the jeep, but, not for the lack of trying. This man was the nicest cop I have ever met. So thank you PCSO deputy who tried to unlock my vehicle. From the stranded woman at Sams.
  4. #2 then #4 with a #2 on the bosses desk. Really though, good luck.
  5. The dish an away with the spoon. As far as I know there was no prenuptial agreement,
  6. This just happened to me. Don't drive with both feet. I was behind a car with the driver, driving up and down hill with her foot on the gas and brake at the same time. I had to follow this driver until they finally turned off.
  7. I see a new project in my future. Thanks for the idea!
  8. Your wife has a great eye for spotting that snake. Maybe the snake was after a lizard or something for dinner. Kudos for letting it go.
  9. He is threatening to follow me and put "that's a damn lie" under whatever I say. I have created a monster.
  10. Are you sorry now? Think very carefully about the answer.
  11. George Washington for all the reasons stated above. Teddy Roosevelt for his conservation and preservation of the parks we enjoy. Well until Obama started closing them or making so parks are open part time. I have opinions on Regan most good some not so much.
  12. That's great! Good for you and the new member to the family. Lucky dog.
  13. You have a beautiful place. The plants looks so fresh and lush. I love the stairs into the lake. what a great idea. I would never leave the property if it were mine.
  14. This is such an old topic. And I haven't seen hide nor hair of the troublemaker in awhile. Keeping fingers crossed. Thanks for the back-up J. Hell hath no furry than a woman like you.
  15. I apologize almost everyday for something. I have agreat husband......
  16. I know when I got my clearance I had to go all the way back to when and where I was born, what schools I attended, I had to list my friends. they were interviewed. Every job I had, any arrest, traffic tickets, family members, extended family members. If I ever left the country. If anyone I knew ever left the country. You name it, they asked it. And that's just a small part of the process. No high school drop out could get a clearance to take out the trash. His must have been not much of a clearance. Looks like the people vetting these applications are not doing the job they should ,or th
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