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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Ha! what do you know. I retired at 45. YOU must listen / watch fox news because I have no idea of what you are assuming. The question posed on this thread is about blue collar jobs. Blue collar mentality. I have been there, was an activist for worker rights, I have done that, I am very proud of my effort to keep jobs in America. It's more than running off at the mouth about things you really have no first hand experience of. Don't be jealous because a blue collar worker's retirement is better than your fathers. It's unbecoming.
  2. You have no REAL clue to what you are talking about. And what did you say you have ever done for a living? Sounds like you just know from hearsay. You may learn something if you go to my post and read carefully. How can anyone professing their laziness has no right to dictate what work is, from their friends that do work. You have no proof of what you say. You are part of the problem.
  3. Some people are trained on the job. My dad was the manager of "Tunnel Tech", The training department at Lockheed. In the hay day the classes were full. Lockheed Ga even paid part of any college courses you took. LG did invest in the employees back then. No more. Training is all but gone. Most of our skilled jobs went overseas after Lockheed Georgia and Martin Marietta merged. The jobs went to companies all over the world for cheap labor, and this cheap labor was inferior. It was too late for the trained machinist and other skilled jobs by then. The jobs are gone with he wind.
  4. I think I love you. I feel like driving up to them as they stroll along.
  5. Wrong. I am in no way, shape or form racist. Not even deep down, and I sure don't believe there id a DNA racist gene.
  6. My mom was a perfectionist, she often said, I wouldn't wear that to the woods and back.
  7. Why, hello there honey. I'm knowed you was cute.
  8. My thoughts and prayers will continue for Spencer and his family. Thank you Blondie for the updates.
  9. That's a three for three alright. Love me some Darius Rucker.
  10. That's right sonny boy!
  11. From link. Chiggers are the larvae of mites belonging to the suborder prostigmata, commonly called harvest mites or scrub mites. Like ticks and spiders, mites go through three biological stages in their life cycle: They begin as eggs, hatch as larvae, develop into nymphs and finally become adults. Nymph and adult harvest mites feed mostly on plant life and don't bother people or other mammals, but in the larval stage, many of the species in the prostigmata suborder are parasitic. After a parasitic chigger hatches, it finds a good position on tall grass or other vegetation so it can
  12. Girl, did you not come to my wedding? I know they don't need the money, but, how do you think they made money? By being open to any potential money making ideas. including those twenty years down the road.
  13. Happy Happy Song!! Y'all have a good day in P.com land. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvKyBcCDOB4
  14. Did we have the same grandma? Mine did the same thing.
  15. All the more reason to get double for your money. The venue is there, and the Rakestraw / Hardy's could make more money if they opened up the place for something other than craft shows and bluegrass.
  16. Have a safe trip home LR. Your wife is lovely TP.
  17. RC Bluegrass festival, up at Raccoon Creek in Burnt Hickory. It is a cool place.
  18. Follow the yellow brick road I mean the money. My opinion is NO. We have Raccoon Creek for all the entertainment PC needs.
  19. Lets not forget how Walmart ran ads to BUY AMERICAN. This article is from 2006 and it still holds up today. A Brief History of Walmart By T.A. Frank First published in the April, 2006 issue of Washington Monthly In the late 1940s, when Sam Walton was franchising a Ben Franklin's variety store in Newport, Ark., he had a simple but momentous idea. Like any retailer, Walton was always looking for deals from suppliers. Typically, though, a retailer who managed to get a bargain from a wholesaler would leave his store prices unchanged and pocket the extr
  20. There were no signs of special needs. I think some mothers are too scared to let children go to public restrooms alone. There were no crowds at the restrooms. I thought the kid was way either too big roe his age, or mom can't cut the apron strings. I would have stood at the mens room to wait, and if he was taking too long to do his business I have no problem sticking my head in the door and ask him what's taking so long.
  21. I was at Wally world the other day, and saw a woman and her son both walk out of the ladies room. The thing was this was no small child. He must have been at least twelve or so. The mother was only a few inches taller than the boy. The mother was about my height, 5"4. I had to do a triple take on this one. If I were to be in the restroom with them, I would have been shocked, and asked how old the kid was. After being told to mind my own beeswax, my reply would be, that is just what I was trying to do, just not in front of a teenager. Am I wrong?
  22. I'll do it for you, and I agree, NC earned it.
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