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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Well, have you tried gold or platinum nip rings? I think fishing lures would be cool to use as nip.....not rings, but lures. Like alluring nip ringings. Oh I almost forgot. Me? Well, I am really Paul McCartney in drag.
  2. That would be the raindrops that are falling. Let's just pray the rain isn't yeller. You know the thing about "don't eat the yellow snow".
  3. Nothing you have said has been offensive....... yet. JK!!!!!
  4. Yes, the locals should have their account set in writing.
  5. The stewardess hat survived the crash wrote a book about the crash. I don't recall her name or the name of the book. Great idea surepip, it will never be forgotten by us locals. I heard he plane crash.
  6. I knew he family. So tragic. They are buried at the cemetery next to Abney Elem. I went to school with the sister of he victims.
  7. Prayers still being sent, for the family also.
  8. Wicked! My family is from Boston. Wicked is used like we say "Y'all, or honey". I agree, Lets lighten this place up y'all. Anyone know how without insulting others? I'll start.
  9. I thought she is guilty of perjury for the lying about the affair. That's about it as far as I know. I would be ashamed too, but I wouldn't lie to the police about it. I hate that she may go to jail for that. Oh well. I haven't really kept up with the trial and don't know all the details. Life. No parole.
  10. HEY!!!! November 1st is a HUGE deal. It's my birthday!!
  11. Very true, and damn right low down. I know a man that was salaried for over thirty years in his dept. The "New Harvard" manager called him into his office and laid the working stiff off. The fired man has file an age discrimination case, and rightfully so.
  12. Halloween! When I was a kid, we went whatever the spooky night it fell on. I remember being able to take our candy to school the next day too. Me on ANY given day!
  13. I have heard that rumor too, but a lot of that stuff is toxic waste. I find it hard to believe the FAA would allow it. They reconstruct crashes, not just bury them. I never recall, at the time after he crash that the burial ever happened. I could be wrong. Won't be the first time.
  14. Back at ya. Even though we don't agree on some trivial things.
  15. I felt I had to really put in extra as a woman, Union member and the fact I had family working where i worked. Working hard was what I always did. No goofing off for me. Where did it get me? Well I made lead man in my department. The common thing was to promote a lead to the next salary position. I was lead for around ten years. EVERY man was promoted ahead of me. Plus I had seniority over every one of them. I was not the only woman not promoted. You are dead in the water if you have children and have to be absent because of illness. Ex worked there as a supervisor, as the wife I had to stay h
  16. Welcome to Florida! Trick or treat!! BOOO! OH! Those are my favorite treats! What flavor? Not that it matters.
  17. I have had two bouts with kidney stones. That is the closest a man will ever come to filling what it's like to have a baby. OUCH!
  18. Yes, he did a great job, as well as all first responders. All the first responders were volunteer firemen. They had never seen such a devastating, disturbing site in the history of Paulding County. God Bless them all. They did what they could to help, and in my opinion, each one were hero's.
  19. New Hope. Right down from the Abney Elem school going north towards Crossroads. The plane crashed about a 1/16 of a mile from the school. I will never forget that day.
  20. My condolences to this family. I am so sorry for the family's loss. You have suffered too many losses.
  21. Happy belated BIRTHDAY Blondie!!! Hope it was a great one. Hey, and older is better.
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