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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. We discovered yesterday that someone broke into our home. Nothing was missing, that alone creeps me out. Whoever it was broke out a small pane window and unlocked the window. I have a wall of storage shelves downstairs. So I think that prevented them from getting in. That or we scared them off. Some one is here almost 24/7. They were brave souls,because you will be shot if you come into my home. This happened on Nebo , so be aware. I read about the house break ins on Hiram Sudie. Did they ever catch the guy?
  2. Does anyone remember The Beef Cellar? They rolled the selection of beef and you picked what and the thickness of the cut of the beef. They stayed open until 3 or 4 in the morning too. It was a real nice place, but not all stuffy.
  3. We have bought several items off of Craigslist, when we were remodeling our house. Tongue and groove boards, and farm sink both from the manufacturer. And then here is the treadmill. Anyone want one? When it comes down to it, we have had great experiences with CL. I even went looking for old log homes to add on to our house. The people were way back in the woods, but very nice folks. I did go alone though. I guess I was lucky.
  4. No depends for me yet. There is nothing much I can do right now. I am bored and out of things to keep me occupied. To answer your question. I am sure i am on here more than you care for.
  5. Some one else may care how Obama's rating is going down. It's not all about you.
  6. These guys should be prosecuted as drug dealers. I don't know why more is not being done to rid us of these criminals. They are abusing their power as Doctors. Where is the under funded, under cover or vice squads. I see enough new cruisers these days. here has to be money somewhere to fund under cover actions. Hell. I would be glad to volunteer to be a patient.
  7. My link Yes, and this. Obama isn't as popular as he was a few years ago. People are seeing a change alright.
  8. Sorry you had a bad dinner. Scalini's is really good.
  9. Good God Almighty! What a great idea, now that I have the recipe.
  10. I think the bible belt has taken down a few notches in the past thirty years. A lot of changes of religious views and people from other states moving here too. I hink the bible belt is becoming more of a melting pot. Our next generation of voters will prove that.
  11. Who wants to take a guess on where Georgia will rank to legalize ? I say #25. I t will pas in a few years. Taxation will draw so money, the government won't have time to spend it all. Greed verses the bible belt ? Greed will win out when it comes down to it. Buy the way, It's about time.
  12. Chemical weapons being used. The question is to what end will he use them.
  13. I thought that would have to be a really big pressure cooker.
  14. Sorry to hear this. Prayers continue. Hope he feels better soon.
  15. I know "Toms" shoes donates a pair of shoes for every pair sold. So does Bob's. They are both over priced for a slipper. IMHO
  16. You buy vanilla beans, They are very pliable and simple to use. Just cut a slit down the vanilla bean. Length wise and use a knife to scrape out the vanilla paste. That's all there is to it. They have a lot of flavor, so a little goes a long way. What you got cooking???
  17. He has a lot of outs. If Congress votes to strike, Obama is covered by the "they" choose to enter this conflict. If Congress votes no to strike, he is covered by the "they" choose He knows damned well the vote will not go through, and if it does go through, by some small chance, Obama will have to change his panties. He will still be able to use the "they" did it excuse because he doesn't seem to have the nerves it takes to make a hard and decisive decision. In the mean time, while people are suffering and being killed. Syria has another week to get its self prepared for whatever, whene
  18. zPresident Obama seeks Okay from Congress to react to Syria strike. Keep in mind, Congress is out of session until Sept 9th, as I heard it. Now I hear Syria is celebrating right now. They say they have won. Obama..... Is he wussing out? Is he passing the blame? Is he doing the right thing?
  19. Whoa! That guy is lucky to have gotten out alive. Sorry this happened to you momof 3.
  20. I am so glad he is doing better, and is at home. God Bless your dad, and your family. I am pulling for him to get that weight up too.
  21. Thanks for posting that video NR. Typing through tears.
  22. Happy Labor Day. Brought to you by Unions.
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