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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I love my BLT's from SW, but FHS has the best chili by far.
  2. I pray for everything to be well with your daughter.
  3. <br /><br /><br /> Wow! Talk about a back handed insult.. Pubby, you're the king. This was unnecessary and disrespectful.
  4. Prayers for your little girl. My nephew had the same surgery and he came out just fine. I know as a mother you are worried about the surgery, you will also be in my prayers.
  5. <br /><br /><br /> Run!!! You would have the support of a lot of people on here. Paulding NEEDS people with your experience with airports.
  6. Call Curtis, his handle on here is Caped Crusader. He's a good guy.
  7. <br /><br /><br /> We agree! I might need to go buy a lotto ticket tonight after the meeting with Rep.Alexander.
  8. Here's an idea. If the Commission wants a business center they can use the Atlanta Film Studio that stands empty month after month. The taxpayers just paid for extra money for new lighting to go around the place. I pass the building every day and I have never seen it be utilized, except for the lights outside being on. It stays lit-up like a baseball stadium at the taxpayers expense. That's sound spending of our tax dollars. Oh, I forgot, we are to blindly trust the commission because we elected them to do a job. Too bad the job they are doing is a waste of money. Who knows, maybe the studio c
  9. I hope you are enjoying yourself wherever you are! You're missing the wonderful weather here. Stay safe and enjoy the ride.
  10. <br /><br /><br /> Word has it Tommie is going to run for the Commission Chair. We shall see
  11. I am so glad your nephew is healing, he looks like such a happy little boy. Thank God for the neighbor hero who saw the accident and rushed to help.
  12. Lake Tahoe is beautiful. I went there on my honeymoon, but that has been sometime ago. I drove from the south end of the lake to the northern end. The views are something to behold. I wish I could add more but, I am sure you will love it. I hope you have a good and safe trip.
  13. <br /><br /><br /> You say "tenny"? The problem is to keep the airport "tenny", but a "tenny"airport won't float in PC. So get the County to pay for a real airport that has not so "tenny" commercial service.
  14. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I sure hope they save it. I have a lot of my childhood memories of that store. I will never forget Jack and Glennis Grogan.
  15. It's the aresholes in the right lane who ride along with the car in the left lane that makes me want to scream. All we will be able to do now is make a citizens arrest.
  16. <br /><br /><br /> What is going to happen to Grogans Store?
  17. <br /><br /><br /> Thinking of hat makes my blood run cold. Has anyone heard of any prospects?
  18. <br /><br /><br /> I love me some of everyone you have seen in concert LR. I wish I could have seen these bands back in the 70's. I love the Doobie Bro's and Michael McDonald. I saw them on Axis TV last week, they sound the same today as the did back in the 70's.
  19. I like you NC-17. I have never known you to bully anyone ever on here. I like the fact you say what you mean, and you mean what you say. You don't give the passive - aggressive attitude and posts like some on P.com do. I think the comment was totally unnecessary.
  20. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />When the majority of the commissioners conduct shady business these questions must also be asked. Maybe we must scratch beneath the surface to see what else the BoC has done with our tax dollars. If they have nothing to hide, ya know?
  21. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /><br /><br />Don't give yourself credit for lighting a fire under me. My fire has been lit by the dirty dealings of your crony friends who left Post #2 Commissioner out of the loop. You have not attended any community meetings and don't try to act like you have. Oh, and I think the 150,000+ are getting more involved with the Stop Airport Expansion everyday. The word is getting out and the talk isn't looking good for your commercial service airport. <br /><br />Brett Smith and Propeller Investments re
  22. That was a great meeting. I know I learned a lot.
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