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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. <br /><br /><br /> You are so fortunate to have such a mother. On the other hand, send her an envelope full of that really super fine Martha Stewart glitter.
  2. <br /><br /><br /> I gave you a minus by mistake. I'd give you ten pluses if I could. Great post.++++++++++
  3. <br /><br /><br /> The people have every right to voice their opinions on the airport and any other damned issue if they feel the need. Is the day the peoples voices are silenced the day we should bury our heads in the sand? Trust the politicians blindly and hope they get it right because we "know" them? Have you ever heard the expression "question authority"? Well, that's is the case in the airport issue. Why do you object to the voices being heard? There are no clowns in this situation except for the clowns pulling the wool over your eyes. Oh, but you are one of thos
  4. I wish I had thought of that!
  5. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />You sure do have to look-up a lot of simple words. You must be a simpleminded kind of guy. Are you going to look-up simpleminded too? Allow me.<br /><br />Simpleminded: Not very inelligent<br /><br />: having or SHOWING a lack of good judgement or sense. <br /><br />AND<br /><br />Childish: Having or showing the unpleasant qualities (such as silliness or lack of maturity) Surpip's right, you aren' t worth the time.
  6. <br /><br /><br /> Blahhh blahhh yap yap yap. You are so obnoxious and rude. You have NO, That's NO credibility with the venom you continue to spew. You are uncouth.
  7. Good morning to all of you. The power is still on on the 92 end of Nebo. The trees are swaying and loaded with ice, the limbs are breaking.
  8. <br /><br /><br /> You just sit there and wonder what you can do with yourself...It doesn't include foreplay.
  9. <br /><br /><br /> Me too! I got banned and damn proud of it. The Support page DOES NOT want the citizens to have a voice. Censorship and lie is all they do. The comments I have seen on the page allows insult after insult to anyone who dares oppose them. One jerk named Pugh has said he would like to slap our faces and that we are all old and won't live long anyway. That is just a FEW examples of what THEY can say, but voice an opposing opinion bans you. They can go truck themselves, everyone of them. See y'all at the next airport meeting.
  10. <br /><br /><br /> Do you always speak from your rear end? Do more research.
  11. Tomorrow is my 16th anniversary with my dear husband, so for our anniversary and Valentine's day I rented a beach house on Cape San Blas for our summer vacation. That should do the trick.
  12. Shirley Temple died today at her home. She was 85.<br />God rest her beloved soul.<br />America's true sweetheart.
  13. It's Russia, I wouldn't expect any less.
  14. Hope you get that bite under control. Feel better soon.
  15. <br /><br /><br /> YOU have given yourself away, whether you realize it or not. I got your tag #
  16. Surepip, you and Mrs. Surpip are some of my favorite people. I hate that you are having a hard time with your health. If there is anything I can do for you both please let me know. I would be honored to help you in any way possible.
  17. <br /><br /><br /> You need to take your act on the road....only you aren't funny...just crass.
  18. <br /><br /><br /> Geezus! Who let you out of your cage today?
  19. It wouldn't matter if there was a snow storm, because it doesn't take much to truck up Atlanta traffic anyway. Everyone leaving Atlanta at the same time while it was snowing that was the problem. Here in PC things could have been handled better. The BoE made the call to close the schools too late.
  20. You have to show your drivers license to buy some OTC stuff. So much for the "war on drugs". Hope you feel better stradial. Maybe you need to seek professional help. You have been sickly for a while now.
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