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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. <br /><br /><br /> Don't the two go without saying?
  2. <br /><br /><br /> You said it!!! More snow ahead! Old sayings are usually right. That's what my mamma always said anyway.
  3. Jeep only has 2WD because of front end issues. I see a new two door Rubicon in my future. We always would get out and help people during times like these. It has been hard to sit back and not do anything much to help. Thanks to all of the "redneck" helpers! God Bless you all!!!!!
  4. Remind me never to get into trouble in Italy. I feel sorry for the ex-boyfriend. I doubt she will ever be extradited.
  5. I'll be in later to pick-up supper.
  6. <br /><br /><br /> We would all become flesh eating zombies. I think there is an Atlanta based series about it already. Edited to say, brain eating zombies.
  7. <br /><br /><br /> That was worse than anything we have had since then. We were without power for two weeks. It was pure freezing hell. I was a kid then, but I remember everything about the event. Trees were bent over across all of the roads, We couldn't get out of our driveway. Thank God my mother canned and had plenty of food in the chest freezer. The only good thing about the ice storm is that it was beautiful. Like diamonds covered everything, shinning in the sun. Other than that...it was the worst event weather ever.
  8. <br /><br /><br /> Take a tape recorder with you to record the meeting. And keep very calm.
  9. I believe the man was murdered. That makes the LE no better than the killer. Sheriff Lee had that kind of reputation.
  10. Hand warmers...and plenty of them. Food for my wittle doggie.
  11. <br /><br /><br /> Me either.
  12. That is the one good thing about this mess. I love seeing people come together in a pinch.
  13. <br /><br /><br /> Hi there! How have you been? You are missed here you know. How's the weather down in the the "swamp"?
  14. <br /><br /><br /> Oh NO!!! Not SNOW ZOMBIES!!! It's pretty zombied up here in Hiram. Husband has been stuck on 92 south for two hours. He's said he's only moved a half mile.
  15. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />There ARE no flights. It's a money pit!! Now End OF HIJACK!!! My Dr's called and cancelled my appointment, my husband is stuck on 92 South near Hiram. I am listening to the scanner and there are so many accidents and buses that are stuck in traffic, some have been told to turn around and return to school.
  16. Snow in Hiram. Reporting from near Downtown.
  17. I have the near Downtown Hiram watch down. I will report of any flake or flakes that fall.
  18. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /><br /><br />How did you know I was a HUGE JD fan? And yes, country roads here were very, very nice. Growing up here in PC was a blessing. The people you put down are rich in culture. Something you will never know. Life was sweet,so was the air, but alas, times change and we must go on. With NO COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE in PAULDING! Nice try though. <br /><br />Please don't butcher any more artist songs or poems. They have done nothing to warrant such disrespect.<br />You are not too good at satir
  19. <br /><br /><br /> I meant to give you a +++++!
  20. <br /><br /><br /> More yapping yap, yap, yap!!! Blah, blah blah. Yap, yap yap assume. More yapping and yapping. Same ole song and dance. You remind me of the song "Mac Arthur Park".
  21. Sorry about your rooster. Congrats on the new ride.
  22. <br /><br /><br /> OMG That made me spew my drink!!!
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