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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. <br /><br /><br /> I am so sorry for your terrible loss. You must truly be fearless. God Bless you.
  2. <br /><br /><br /> I meant to give you a plus. +++++++
  3. <br /><br /><br /> I don't think comparing me to "Al & Jesse" is a compliment. But you are reminding me of those two with the way you go on about things you don't have all the facts on. So take that as a compliment.
  4. <br /><br /><br /> You just don't get it. There is nothing silly about hazardous waste and the proper disposal of the materials. It DOES happen. The insults are uncalled for. Maybe you will start attending meetings and educate yourself. All are welcome. My guess is you have something better to do.
  5. <br /><br /><br /> You have a great attitude.
  6. Burbank clean up At a former aircraft-manufacturing complex that operated for more than 60 years, Lockheed Martin works closely with the City of Burbank and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ensure the operation and maintenance of a water-treatment facility that supplies about half of the city's water. All work is performed to ensure compliance with all regulations and agreements and to ensure that the community is fully informed of Lockheed Martin's role in the funding of the water treatment system at Burbank. To keep the public informed of the cleanup's progress, the Corporatio
  7. <br /><br /><br /> Pubby, all I was saying is that there is more to having aircraft maintenance than meets the eye. No drama. I worked with the stuff. Its as simple as that . Please don't put words in my mouth and keep classy. This is one from NY. I found two hazard waste articles, but can't post the link. I will try to dig up the one that happened in GA. Based on the environmental cleanup of soil and groundwater, Lockheed Martin, with assistance from the NYSDEC, is moving forward with technical and administrative efforts to close the Site (i.e., re
  8. Pubby, all I was saying is that there is more to having aircraft maintenance than meets the eye. No drama. I worked with the stuff. Its as simple as that . Please don't put words in my mouth and keep classy.
  9. <br /><br /><br /> I can't believe his name is not on a sexual offender list, or that the authorities didn't notify you. I don't know the FL laws are, but victims of such a horrible crime should have the right to know where the offender is now. I hope you find him, and I hope he has not done to anyone else what was done to you. You are a brave woman.
  10. <br /><br /><br /> Much respect to you! You are a shining example for people everywhere.
  11. Amen to prayer. It worked for my daughter. The doctors said there was little to no hope for her. Prayer is a powerful thing.
  12. <br /><br /><br /> Aircraft maintenance and manufacturing produces a lot of hazardous waste. The big company I worked for had many problems regarding seepage into the public water system and the soil. Contaminated soil was dug-up, placed on material to keep further seepage from happening and a cover was built to keep the rain out until it was trucked off to a hazardous waste site. The company was fined, but the damage was done a far as the solvents getting into the sewer drains and then into the water system. I myself was given a direct order to pour solvents into the dr
  13. <br /><br /><br /> First off let me say I am glad your daughter is doing better. I totally relate to this question. Before my daughters accident I use to worry about little things that really didn't matter. After her accident my priorities focused into what was really important. Like the commercial says, "don't sweat the small stuff." It took a near fatal accident to teach me that lesson. I still live that lesson everyday. God Bless you and your family LPPT. I hope your daughter has a full recovery.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_iYYYi3O-w Finally.
  15. I have run into many educated fools. Life lessons and being open to learn from them say's a lot!
  16. I have Kaiser. I think I have had the best medical care since we changed over. Dr. Buchanan is awesome.
  17. <br /><br /><br /> Sounds like a reasonable request.
  18. We are having slow cooked beef tips with gravy, saffron rice, steamed veggies and a nice salad with my house dressing.
  19. I don't think I will be running out for milk and eggs anytime soon.
  20. I wish I could post Beyonce's Upgrade video.
  21. Well, is snowing in Hiram. Lightly but it's SNOW! Pretty.
  22. <br /><br /><br /> I had no idea. I hope the Dallas Rodney's has a great turnout.
  23. <br /><br /><br /> You are so cool stradial!!
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