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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. We were not in any neighborhood stradial. Back in those days Paulding County was nothing but pure country. There were thousands of acres around us with very few families in between. Our neighbor, 1/4 mile up our drive way had a big bell that was rung for emergencies only. I am talking country. The thing that scared me so much was the abandoned wells on our neighbors property, they were just big holes in the ground. They were covered with old car hoods from the 30 and 40's, or so, rusted out. When I was a kid the neighbors boys showed me where the wells were located. them We use to do some dang
  2. Once when we had a family dinner at my parents house, and my six year old and my 10 year old nephew disappeared in the woods. My parents lived in the middle of hundreds of acres of land riddled with abandoned wells. I went off the wall the second I knew they were missing. We all called out for them, but they were out of voice range. I freaked out, I knew those wells were not properly covered. The wells were not on our property, but on adjoining land. So I called 911 right then and there. I have a big family, and we were all looking for the kids. Just as the police and rescue searchers arrived
  3. Was just wondering the same thing. But I am glad someone found it in their heart to help this family.
  4. I am so sad you are going through this with your father. Your story sounds just what my family went through with my father. I know your father is so blessed to have his loving family with him at this difficult time. I wish you and your family peace, comfort and my prayers.
  5. Bravo Todd! Thanks for posting! Todd tells it like it is and made his point. Keep commercial service out of PC, or let the citizen vote on whether we want the commercial service.
  6. There are more religious company's than you know. Forever 21, Tyson foods and more. See link for details. http://www.businessinsider.com/18-extremely-religious-big-american-companies-2013-6?op=1
  7. Have you heard about the new show Naked and Dating? Naked, on a first date. Who would have thought? Next thing you know there will be a Naked and Having Sex show, or Naked Rednecks Doing Redneck Things show. Now I'd like to see the Redneck show. I have a video camera, and an idea. Any rednecks want to get naked and do things like....toilet seat throwing, or mud wrestling, hunting and 4 wheeling?
  8. For you Stradial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZwSTadVGqE
  9. You're pool and deck look beautiful. You must be so happy to finally see the construction done. I hope you and Papi enjoy endless hour basking in the sun and sipping on cocktails.
  10. We are talking about the border with Mexico here. This mess is all on Obama. How can you deny that? This is only the start of a bad mess for US American's to have to deal with. The billions that are going to be spent on Obama's watch is wasted on illegal's instead of where the money should allocated. That is for medical treatment for veterans, the elderly and hungry children here at home. There is no excuse big enough to cover his ass on this one.
  11. Found this on FB. I agree 100%. Now we are going to spend BILLIONS taking care of "Obama's children" instead of taking care of our own citizens and veterans who DESERVE and have earned the right to medical care and food. Obama should be ashamed, but he's too arrogant it fess up to the cluster F#%K he has caused at our border.
  12. So glad you are doing better Thad. You had us going there for a while.
  13. I'm only 636 months old.
  14. I had the same kind of thing happen to me, except this guy kept trying to run me off the road. He would race around me and stop. I always went around him. He ran stop sighs to keep up with me. He finally cut me off and stopped me, he got out of his car, ranting, screaming at me. I pulled my gun out to show him, hoping he would stop. He kept coming until he saw me load the chamber. Then he turned on his heels and left. I have no idea why this man targeted me, but I was so shaken up and it still bothers me. This was before cell phones. Showing my age now.
  15. I am so happy for Thad, Melissa and the family. Relieved also.
  16. Anyone going to the Hiram fireworks tonight?
  17. Thad, I am so glad you're feeling better. If there is anything I can do for you and Melissa please let me know.
  18. Really they don't like to be called "midgets". That is a derogatory term to them. They had rather be called "little people". Don't ask me why, the dictionary defines "little people" as "midgets".
  19. Prayers to your dad and your family.
  20. I am so glad Thad is doing better. I will continue my prayers for him and your family. You are constantly in my thoughts.
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