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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. Typing through tears. Love and comfort to you, I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. I hope your husband gets this under control and feels better soon. Prayers to you and your family.
  3. Cassius Clay has never been a hero, American or otherwise.
  4. This is too much! The man walked into the Salon and shot his wife point blank, with witnesses. NO BAIL. I for damn sure don't want him running loose in the area. I guess the dope smoking inmates are overcrowding the County Jail.
  5. I think this is a great idea. Lets hear from the candidates what they hope to accomplish and how they can help the County grow in a sound manner. This should not be a gang up session as some would accuse. I believe that's just an excuse in it's self to start trouble. Block the off topic abusers from posting in the topic if the can't behave. A good Q & A would be awesome.
  6. I understand what you all are saying, rudeness is here and staying. But sometimes just when you least expect it someone goes out of their way to risk their life and help out a complete stranger. Just a few weeks ago my husband pulled out of our driveway, with all his tools in the back and he left his tailgate down. Tools went everywhere. We live on a very busy road and we live in a dangerous curve, and this car stopped, a young couple got out and helped us pick up the tools. At least fifty cars passed by. This sweet and kind couple gave myself and my husband the wake up call we needed. There
  7. I must say you are quite a cutie. I love the hair and your eyes are beautiful.
  8. How do you know Cathy. Don't you know it is impolite to "out" people on here without their permission?
  9. I have to pick up trash all the time. This is one of my pet peeves, I hate it when I have to pick trash out of my yard because of some selfish person who can't respect other peoples property. We live along side a dirt road, you wouldn't believe what all people dump there. I keep the DOT busy with calls to pick up the junk people dump. The DOT does a great job too.
  10. Pardon me? " You "understand" what? You heard something from someone doesn't hold water. After all, you are running for Post 2. Nothing would suprise me as to what you "understand". Austin said Pownall was, "left out of the loop." People deserve better than that.
  11. http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2014/03/17/3008846/chuck-williams-paulding-county.html "There was no common sense in Paulding County. Judge Osborne and his daughter proved they don't have the ethical common sense to hold a job that demands public trust." Words getting around about PC politics. Read more here: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2014/03/17/3008846/chuck-williams-paulding-county.html#storylink=cpy
  12. Those against the commercialization of the airport want no commercialzation as promised by the Commission. Austin HAS hurt every citizen in Post 2 by keeping the post Commissioner "out of the loop." Those citizens had their voice silenced because of David Austin. He had every intention of misleading Todd Pownall.
  13. I can assure you there are more than 30 people that oppose the airport expansion. There are many, many more. I have talked to them myself. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't out there.
  14. Rest in peace Judy. You were a wonderful woman who made me a better woman. I will always love you and I will never forget you. My deepes't condolences go out to the family. I know Judy was the heart of you family. She will be missed.
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