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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. Mojo, I was trying to send you a message but it tells me you can't receive any new ones. If you can PM me, I'd really appreciate it. Sorry off topic folks
  2. Noise is everywhere. You can't escape noise. It's called humans having children, areas become populated, their children grow up have more children, areas become more populated and spread out, build more, cut down more woods, bring more noise. If you want to stop the noise, then stop the evolution. Btw, think what would happen to those 3-4000 families and their depreciated house values when Atlanta takes hold of your little "general aviation" airport. But you keep playing right into their hands and don't you worry, they'll take great care of everyone. This is your only option to keep Atl
  3. I'll tell you from experience about air shows, and I live about 10 miles away from where they fly every year and 4 miles away from a commercial airport, that there is a HUGE difference between the planes in the air show and passenger plains. If you're going to use that as an argument then you need to go back to the drawing board. This has already been discussed so many times that even a slow learner would get the point by now. If you need a different example then how about it would be kind of like the difference between a camaro (or insert any other classic car with a big block) and a stati
  4. I guess everywhere in the world kids can go to schools within miles of bigger airports than this one is being proposed to become but kids in Paulding can't because that would impact their learning. Right?
  5. Maybe they're trying to create the traffic with that "hot and fresh" sign because from reading this thread there sure going to be a lot of visitors to that area! Mebbe not such a bad idear after all.
  6. How about scientific research showing that some of those dairy products we consume are not digestible by human bodies if they are made of cow milk? While our bodies have evolved over the last several thousands of years to tolerate many foods, cow milk is still something that our organisms can not break down. The only reason all those nutritionists push the milk is because it's fortified with vitamin D and calcium. You can get all those from eating certain fruits and vegetables, exercising, and sitting out in the sun once in a while to help vitamin D synthesis through skin absorption of UV r
  7. The genetically modified transfats that are modified by the companies are unsaturated fats infused with hydrogen. The difference is in the chemical structure. While normal hydrogen bonds look like this /, the ones modified are facing the opposite way \. Our bodies can not break down the foods that contain that because they see it as abnormal chemical reaction. Hence the heart attack since what can not be broken down will stay and clog arteries. Now about the government stepping in and regulating it... Yes, they need to. However, they also need to make it unlawful for those same comp
  8. DD all the way. KK is way too sweet. Stradial, now I know why Blondie wants to keep you in her basement.
  9. There couple of instances when I would not fill up. One, when the tanker is there because of the same reasons listed. My FIL used to own a station and worked on cars. That was one of his explanations and of course he also changed the fuel filter once a year. The other time when I wouldn't fill up is in the middle of the day. The best time to do is either early in the morning or late at night because even though the fuel sits all the way down below, it still expands from the heat during the day. While it won't save you much, maybe pennies each time, with the prices of fuel always going up
  10. Oh you'd be surprised about who makes up this stuff. Yes, they are actual teachers. Professors with a degree in math. Oh and they are not only changing up the K-12 either anymore. Last summer I was taking college algebra and I never once used the book for examples or explanations of solutions. My professor told us that several of them from the faculty wrote that last edition, herself included, and she couldn't stress enough to us how ridiculous the new way is. Not one of the professors have taken the time to listen to her when she would tell them to stop adding unnecessary steps and star
  11. Haha just like they can open the child proof container faster too!
  12. Don't they have more important bills to pass through? Who cares about the economy, jobs, health care, domestic abuse, laws that protect all but the innocent ones and concentrate on renaming mountains. Yep. Priorities of politicians really are in the right place.
  13. I'm joining you all in that crying thing. What a touching letter! My little mutt came over to lick my face (she does any time she knows I'm upset) and I bawled like a baby again. I've lost pets before and it was like losing my best friends. Now, with the three dogs I have, two are are seniors that I watch each day getting a little clumsy like they were when they were just two cute fuzzy fat belly puppies. These three are my babies. I can't imagine not having them in my life, I've fought hard to keep them these past three years with everyone telling me to give them away or put them to sl
  14. Oh and these politicians you know for sure, the ones you have "identified" as "transparent and honest", are going to be nothing like the present commissioners. Because you know, you've "identified" them. They must have passed that "special indentification" test. Can we make it mandatory for ALL politicians in the USA so that we, the citizens, can have the same reassurance of our entire government being "transparent and honest" as you have of these 3 people?
  15. It's impossible to do so when participants are biased to their cause and nothing else: whether it's reasonable or not, personal or affecting the entire community; and unwilling to seek a compromise.
  16. Clear this up for me, Whitey. First, are those the only commissioners that have been invited and why only those three? And second, did you just say that out of all the candidates running for different posts these 3 are the only ones "identified" as "honest and transparent"?
  17. Something doesn't seem right here. Were the only cars broken into that had valuables in them or did they also strip some car parts like stereos, gps systems, dvd players etc? This doesn't look like something just desperate dumb criminals with petty theft on their toolbelt would be able to pull off. Waaaay too organized to have not only hit different neighborhoods in one night but to know which cars had something worth stealing.
  18. Damn near spilled my coffee all over my laptop. Bless you your heart I think she's menopausal.
  19. There are many different layers to the child abuse. I thought you spoke of child abuse in general in the OP. While it's important to know the signs of a parental alienation and how that affects the children, I'll still answer your original question "Do we speak up or don't?" We don't. Should we? Yes! But unfortunately it's more often that people do not say anything. Not the observers, nor the victims. We are taught as a society to mind our own business or not to disclose our feelings. "Be strong, be patient, good things come to those who wait, it could have been worse, only weak pe
  20. Ha I needed a break from all this studying I've burried myself in here. It's chilly even in Florida. Thank god I didn't pack my sweaters and boots away yet!
  21. I ain't no southern but this wind shore making me bones rattle. Must be ahurricane acoming or some thinG.
  22. I guess I'm not special either, and I'm 36. I couldn't afford the premiums for myself and my kids before. Now I definitely can't touch them. This whole healthcare thing, well it did have the right intent. Just the way it's put together and executed. Wrong all around. In the end, it's all about the Benjamins.
  23. Fine chopped garlic (or put it through garlic press), mayo, dill weed. Mix with potatoes, throw in the oven. Or you can try sour cream and dill; although yummy.
  24. Surepip, I understand you have issues with this particular firm. I sympasize with what happened to you and your family. Seriously, everyone deserves to be treated fair and have their rights upheld. However, almost every post you make you are blaming one law firm for every mistake the entire county has made. The realstate boom that went south and left county citizens holding the bag? The firm's fault. The airport mess? The firm's fault. The payvement? The firm's fault. Economy in the county? The firm's fault! Everything is the firm's fault as if they are single handedly runni
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