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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. From a legal point, I can see why the q&a request was declined, after all the allegations of the commissioners playing dirty, being unprepared and attempt to field the questions would do more harm than good. That being said, I can't help but think about what one of my professors has drilled into me during the entire semester: if you're going to be proposing something, you should anticipate ALL of the questions from ALL of the sides and be prepared to address them at ANY time (during your speech preferably, so there won't be any questions afterwards). The county officials should hold a me
  2. Normally, I wouldn't care who pays and how for their lawsuits. However, these are not just ordinary lawsuits and everybody knows that. While I feel for the residents that are going to be directly impacted if and when this airport becomes further developed, you have to admit, that woman that was on the news telling her story about saving money for 10 years for her house would not be able to afford the legal fees of the firm/firms that are involved in this matter. I don't see any reason why any of those big-shot firms would take the case for free either. There is an old saying about laying
  3. Those are things I'd like to hear an answer to... And once again, who is paying the residents legal fees? Why are they so determined to keep that a secret?
  4. Would that be considered the "warm southern welcome"?
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