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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. And this is why you and those like yourself are not taken seriously. It's one thing to talk like that dude from the "Ancient Aliens" with the crazy hair all the time. But this... elementary school playground comes to mind here...
  2. I'm going to add a signature to my member name so every time I post I don't have to type this out: You're preaching to the quire.
  3. Wait, didn't you just say things like this don't happen in the US? Ok, you don't want to call them black then how about Americans? Don't you know KKK members do use the religion to justify their reasons? A Hate Group is still a Hate Group, doesn't matter if it's in this country or in any other. Ireland has bombs going off still with innocent people dying because of the differences of their groups and the government. Your sentence right there:"you go to Iran or Iraq... and TRY to disagree with the teachings..." What business is it of yours? Do you live there? Did they invite you
  4. I wasn't going to get into this discussion, but what the hell. First off, I can name some religious cults, here in the USA, that detonated or poisoned their entire segregation, everyone living on their compound: men, women, children, because of their religious beliefs. Second, it's alright to invade the other countries and spend billions of dollars not to mention millions and millions of priceless lives fighting somebody else's wars. Did anybody ask USA to come to Middle East and tell them how to live, how to practice their religion, and observe their customs? I don't believe so. Sor
  5. Never said there wasn't one Gosh, you just don't pay attention or something!
  6. Good grief is right. Sheesh, you can't even agree to disagree on opinions or see where we are in agreement on other things without getting your panties in a bunch. The above is your opinion of the OP and his agenda. I'm not here to support or bash anyone, I just come here to have discussions on topics I find interesting to me. Loosen up NC, I wasn't going to beat you over the head with my big phallic object. Although I am contemplating sending you an envelope full of glitter...
  7. I never did say I believed in flying monkeys But I guess you have a selective reading ability. Not to mention you don't believe in the importance of mental abuse and would only pay attention to physical one. That would be refuting the medical diagnosis as well, wouldn't it?
  8. So just because I chose to respond with my opinion, knowledge and experience about domestic violence, parental alienation, suicide, and narcissists and you don't agree with my views that means I have no credibility. That speaks volumes about you.
  9. I'll have to find you the studies that I did on it for one of my classes because I didn't just want to take my professor's word for it. What I found out was that when ADD and ADHD were first introduced they had a similar effect as the epidemic of multiple personalities: all of a sudden everyone had it. How much of a correlation is between those disorders, teachers improper training, people looking for a label or as you have mentioned in other posts seeking someone to blame, and pharmaceutical gain is still debatable. But don't take my word for it, I'm just a student with no degree, and no,
  10. I would never offer advise to a parent concerning their kids health, not being in the position to do so. The remark I made was during the conversation her and I had about how much differently we were raised, as in "yeah we didn't dream of having ADD, our parents made sure we didn't dare misbehave in public". I watched her tell her teenagers that she "can whoop their asses" anytime she wants to in one breath and complaining about them being over medicated for ADD and her being at loss over their behavior in the next. I said "it must be tough". Then went back to my business. My point with
  11. Thank you! Gives me something to check out this weekend
  12. LPPT, that was meant more as a sarcasm towards the same people constantly saying the same things word for word thread after thread and expecting more replies than they have received. I think it is the fact that unless you agree with the opinion of these few people, the conversation itself is basically redundant.
  13. Has anyone noticed how these threads have the same several (I won't mention the number 6. Oopps I just did) people replying to each other about the same things (just in slight variations from thread to thread) out of the entire board of who knows how many members?
  14. I often stay in Cartersville because staying at Days Inn in Dallas is really not a choice. Seriously, I wish there were more convenient places to stay at, shop, and dine in Dallas and Hiram. Pizza Farm, is that the little pizza restaurant up in the middle of nowhere on some windy mountain road? I saw it once driving around and exploring but have never been able to find it again and don't remember which road I took.
  15. It's 2 things: a short span attention because ummm, ummmmm... oh wait, they are children with brains still developing, and could you and stridail be right and parents just might need to do that thing, oh what IS the name of it??? right on the tip of my tongue... ohhhhhhhh! PARENTING. That's why I don't agree with a lot of labeling and diagnoses.
  16. I believe the saying is: "you're preaching to the quire"
  17. You know, it is a shame that there are no convenient alternatives when it comes to my trips to the area. In the past year alone I have taken 8 of those and could have greatly benefited from taking a flight instead of driving for half the day and staying closer to where I need to be instead of keeping near 75 because there are more choices for hotels and restaurants. I have friends that have been coming up for years to visit families who have been doing the same. We've often talked abou... Oh wait, is this what the talk is all about with the Lake Point and such? Nvm, why would anyone want t
  18. I visited the one in Fl years ago, kids loved it. Glad there is one in Atlanta, although I'm still petrified of driving anywhere near that place lol.
  19. Ha! That's what I said pretty much to the woman with her kids waiting in the tax office who's excuse for their behavior was: "they missed their ADD medication this morning".
  20. Glad their moms realize how much of a learning curve this is and not only in math, but in communicating, and even self-confidence!
  21. <br /><br /><br />I always get suckered in and I don't even like cookies. No, I'm not a communist. Well, not anymore. Kudos to parents that take their little troops out everywhere each year!
  22. So, how does this relate to the persons mentioned in the original post? Or is this just a "I don't agree with you and I have nothing else to jab you with at the moment" kind of a scenario?
  23. You know, if you're going to have a public pissing match, at least clue others in on what type of mud you're flinging at each other and who all these other ball players are.
  24. <br /><br /><br />Hmmm, I think it's a conspiracy, all decided in the darkness of the night at the end of the taxiway! We can get to the bottom of it though. My couch's cushions are always fluffed up and my trance techniques can guarantee we will find your alter ego. Even if you never had one before.
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