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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. Maybe I shed some light on the subject: 1 - They have enough power, in fact they never run out of power, they always run out of traction. So the object of the exercise is to get the tractor and sled moving as fast they can before the moving weight gets to the front of the sled. Then it is a matter total traction to keep it moving, which isn't long. 2 - The reason for all of the engines is dependability,,, (in that the more total power they have, the less they have to use and abuse it to get the job done), and then the maintenance. If they break a part in one engine, they pull that one
  2. I'm not real sure,,, I certainly didn't recognize the teeth or the wild eyes,,, but you never know.
  3. As long as she is the county attorney, and not a Superior Court Judge, I consider that a small victory!!
  4. Years ago I had an unusual interaction with a squirrel! While driving down our road, I saw a live squirrel standing and sniffing a dead squirrel in the road. As I got closer, the live guy turned, bared its teeth, and charged straight into the left front tire of the truck, where upon the truck said "Thump, Thump". I never knew if he/she was distraught over the loss of a friend/relative, or if they just had a hatred for truck tires,,,, but it certainly exhibited some sort of emotion!
  5. If it is about 1 1/4 inches square, it may well be a Fob for a pocket watch, as evidenced by the slot in the side, (or the top for a fob). I have a small collection of fobs, and it looks very similar to some I have. It could also be an ID tag, similar to the ones miners hang at the mine entrance before going in.
  6. That's rich,,, take your BEER chili to church with ya!!!!! I hope it gets's saved!!! ROFL But seriously,, use the Guinness,,, that crap could overwhelm the taste of anything, especially CHILI,,,, bleeecccch!
  7. How does civil marriage differ legally from 'Domestic Partnership'? Do gays have all the same rights or not??? I very curious about this.
  8. Where on 92, down by Griffin, or out by Woodstock,, or somewhere by Hiram???? ROFLMAO!
  9. It is my understanding that the Secret Service considers it a threat upon the President, but I have nothing to cite for verification.
  10. And to think,,, the only thing they'll have to do, is get on a commercial flight and fly over it!!!!!!
  11. It is completely illegal, (and probably immoral), to use a picture of any past or current president, or their immediate family, for target practice! But as things deteriorate to photos of the 'Ten Most Wanted',,,, I don't see the problem.
  12. GOOD GOD!!!! You mean there are two of these things out here!?!?!?! There ought to be a law!!!!!!! Y'all don;t fergit,,, I have already suggested the IGNORAMUS BUTTON............... WHOOPS,,,, wrong post,,, how did that happen,,,,, THAT'S IT,,,, YOU'RE GOING TO FIX THIS PROBLEM,,,, HOORAY!!!!!!
  13. The AP poll used to be,,, but since they've gotten so many people voting in it, the chances of bias are diminished. Years ago they accused all of the Catholic sports writers of voting for Notre Dame no matter what their record was,,, to the point many people like my FIL hated ND with a passion! His favorite phrase was "My two favorite teams are Alabama, and who ever the hell is playing Notre Dame!" Through the years, I think the AP has been the best judge of horse flesh out there,,, and YES my opinion is subjective!
  14. Let me see,,,, hmmmmm,,,, nah, that idea sucks yellow water!!!! ROFL The problem with that is 'Seeding', and independent schools being locked out of the show. Lets say you include all of the conference champs,,, that means Louisiana-Lafayette would have to play an OSU, or Florida State,,, which amounts to a cupcake game for the major school. If you want to be all inclusive, take the top 32 AP teams over 5 weeks, If they can't make the top 32,,, they don't need to waste everyone's time playing for a championship.... Even at 32, you decide which of the first weeks games would b
  15. Well,,, that has pretty much ruined college football for the next two to three years!!! Now the playoff committee will have the swell head and do some incredibly stupid things,,, just like the BSC did! Playoff the top 16 teams according to the AP poll, and call it done,,, and I don't want to hear that "4 weeks, 16 games" bullcrap,,, the schools get paid, you get entertained,,,, SHUTUP!!!!!
  16. Times have been hard,,, so they had to spent an extra three years there!!!!!
  17. I believe the original moratorium had to do with letting the school system catch up with the building that was occurring. Once the school bonds were obtained, the ban was lifted.
  18. They probably didn't like the smell from the spray fields!!!! (shhhh, don't tell the State Police,,, let's see how long it takes them to figure it out!!!!!!) Is the new construction happening where the original water department was, or have they purchased new land on Macland???
  19. I like the words - erstwhile, conglomerate, pentagonal and putrefaction,,, but every time I try to use them in a conversation, I get the strangest looks,,, especially if we were discussing religion!! On the other hand, have you ever noticed that you can use the strangest words in the world while discussing politics, and no one bats an eye????
  20. Glad you explained that,,,, at first I thought you had a two headed cat!!!!!!
  21. My S&W 5943 auto has no safety at all!! If you have a round in the tube, and the mag installed, you just pull the trigger. No mag installed, no trigger action. No round in the tube, no problem. I keep the mag in, and the tube empty until I'm ready to fire,,, I'd feel better if it had a thumb safety, though!! If kids come by, I put it all up in a closet with a keyed lock,,, along with other poisonous chemicals, as a byproduct of child proofing for our kids when they were little,,, info that still pays dividends!!! As a side note, what we need in addition to the 'Ignore' button,
  22. Is that what they call it these days,,, in my day we said, "She had an ass like $20 mule!"
  23. Personally, I think someone came up with a unique new way to keep the kids occupied that doesn't involve TV or a PC,,, then found a way to market it, and hopefully made some money to boot,,, God Bless'em!! Happy holidays to ya Buddy, and your lovely wife, and Kate too!!! (Hey,,, she doesn't 'Live' in your basement does she????)
  24. Low, I believe your new avatar is a spoof on a Kim K photo, (heavily airbrushed I think),,, PM sent,,, I WONT post the link here though!!! DO NOT let Stradial see the photos,,, he'll dump Kate in a New York minute!!!
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