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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. Dad, I'm going out drinking! Dad, I wrecked your car!! Dad, come bail me out!!!
  2. Regular homeowners would probably cover that... their rule of thumb is, "From the top down, it's covered. From the bottom up, not covered"
  3. For years I wore permanent press shirts (and a suit) to work, and I washed and dried them myself. Lesson learned early on was washing them only on the 'Permanent Press' cycle, as it has a slower spin rate. Next lesson was 'shirt count', no more than 10 long sleeve, or 12 short sleeve. The amount of wet cloth in the drum during spin cycle effects the pressure placed on the shirts, and they will come out with creases set in. Next, do the drying like Low does by going through the entire cool down, then hang them up 2 or 3 at a time while the others continue to tumble. Now that I have retir
  4. Did you know, that Thurl Ravenscroft who performed this song, is also the voice of "Tony the Tiger"??????? I sure didn't until 3 weeks ago. Now we all do!!!!
  5. Basically, it needs to be a 'Roofer' to do this correctly, and an electrician for the wiring if you or the roofer is not handy with electricity. That being said, try to find out from your homeowners insurance if they have a problem with power vents. When our homeowners replaced our roof due to hail damage, they ordered the roofers to remove all three power vents, and install 'Ridge vents' at Allstate's expense. The reason being, power vents are known to jamb up and start attic fires. In fact two of ours had in the past gotten birds stuck in them and had to be repaired. Long story short,
  6. I wonder if they protested the "Rich" people that bailed them out of jail, and probably feed and clothe them,(such as they were clothed)?????
  7. One of the big problems with this new system, is how did TCU get to number 3 based on their "Resume", then next week winds up number 6, based on their "Resume"!!! I understand that they only beat an unranked team with a losing record, but they beat them handily, just like they should have, while FSU should have taken GT to the wood shed, but only won by 2 points, thereby lifting them from 4th to 3rd. I think the CFP committee was more concerned with demographics than the "Resumes",,, IMHO of course.
  8. So true! Jon Gruden and Mike Tirico are the most annoying sports casters around. If I watch the game, I keep everything except the commercials muted! Compare those two to the Sunday night team of Michaels and Collinsworth,,,, no comparison at all. Last night I listened to the pregame, and the talking heads inferred the game would be so bad, it wasn't worth watching, so I didn't!!!! I hear the Falcons put on a good show. So much for ESPN!
  9. Paxilpapa

    Windows XP

    Geek Squad said they could recover part of the files, but I had backups of them anyway. I did have the activation code for the MS stuff, but that's been long since lost... there's something to be said for 'Organization'!!
  10. And has selected Alabama, Oregon, Florida State and Ohio State. Do you think they got it right or wrong, and if you think it's wrong, who should be in the playoffs? I personally don't like Ohio State in it, but I'm at a loss for a fourth. Having Baylor or TCU would be too many southern teams. What do you think?
  11. Paxilpapa

    Windows XP

    Things like Turbo Tax, which in its various iterations, can only be loaded once without a two hour phone call with the vendor. MS Office suite that was a purchased trial copy, for which there is Load CD. Racetrack analysis software that was downloaded online, after purchase, and a few other sundry things I probably can't find the software for. It's not the software so much as it is the principal of the thing. I have a Toshiba laptop that ran Vista. The OS ran fine for me, but then the hard drive failed. I did want to put a new drive in and upgrade t
  12. Paxilpapa

    Windows XP

    A few related questions. Can Windows-7 still be purchased, and if so, how much longer will MS support it? Can an operating system be replaced without losing all of your installed applications? Every time I have tried to upgrade to a new release, it was a fiasco. Therefore I find it just as cost effective to buy a new laptop and move as much as I can to the new one, and retain the old one for the software that can not be re-installed. This last time we wound up with Windows-8, which the wife hates,,, so can we install Windows-7 without re-installing everything????? TIA
  13. Favorite - Silent Night by Mannheim Steamroller (really, anything by Mannheim) Least favorite - Feliz Navidad, horribly repetitive. Great melody, unfortunately, someone tried to add lyrics!!! Funniest - Your not gettin' diddly-squat, ('cause you really messed up this year!), always tried to play this for the kids just before Christmas.
  14. You mean these guys could be related to someone on the Board of Commissioners, or the Airport Authority?!?!?! Velly intellesthing!!!!!!
  15. They didn't really say it was a neighbor, just someone somewhere in Paulding, (no one knows where), that got robbed. Haven't seen anything in the local news, or on the TV. It looks, sounds and smells fishy,,, that's all. I was told a long time ago, "Don't believe anything of what you hear, and half of what you see". Still two different angles! Why do they have a trail cam pointed at their neighbors yard,,, makes me wonder.
  16. As Pubby is wont to say, 'maybe they are gaming the system'. Odd also the perps look a lot like the guys from 'Home Alone', and at the holidays,,,, when they were gone,,,, Just sayin.......
  17. Easy, after they finish with cigarettes, they'll go to work on soft drinks, then sugar, and eventually get down to milk!!!
  18. That's two different camera angles, and a little strange they are both centered. It's more like a security video cam, and kinda odd the perps didn't see it!
  19. Yeah, I hear ya. My late brother-in-law always said that lamb tasted like an old wool blanket,,, I always meant to ask him why he tried eating a wool blanket, and now it's too late!! Oh well.
  20. UM,,, veal is beef,,, how about lamb chops!!!!
  21. If it's not a sweater, it's a KNIT shirt, cause I can rows of knitting. Still, why so many buttons, at some point it becomes counter productive,,, I think I would cut them off and carry them in the pocket!!!
  22. Not to hijack,,, but how is the arm doing, and how is the yakkity-yak software key-board replacement thingy workin??????
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