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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. I love Chick-Fil-A, love their food and the atmosphere and the way employees treat customers. They do NOT hate anybody, they treat every customer with kindness and respect. Their pro-family groups that the foundation used to donate to are no longer receiving funds from their foundation. I just might get a #1 for lunch today, or a #5--the 8-count nugget. Their cookie sundaes are a-maz-ing!!!! I'll pay an extra $.11. Which CFA--278/61 or Hiram?
  2. Anybody know the password?
  3. I used to wash once a week but now I do it twice a week--like the smaller loads. Underwear and socks only get worn once, shirts usually once, jeans and towels about 3 days. Our dryer doesn't have the normal timer or buzzer when it's done, it's just got a "sensor" and stops when it senses the clothes are dry. I hate it because if I'm not making a conscious effort to listen out for it I'll miss when it's done, and when I go to get the clothes out they're all very damp and I have to run at least one more cycle to dry them and that's even with small loads. My baby's clothes get washed once a w
  4. I agree--work ethic is one thing, working for free is another. I think most people have done that once or twice, you just get behind or stuck on a project so you stay a few minutes after clocking out or sneak in early and work a little before clocking in, or working through lunch. Every time I did that it was because the manager was screaming NO OVERTIME!!!!! but the stuff HAD to get done in a set time-frame. Although, my recent employers will not let us work off the clock because we wouldn't be covered under the company's malpractice insurance if we did patient care off the clock--don't kn
  5. Does that course include basics like obeying the speed limit and not riding between travel lanes just because you can fit? I know, motorcycle riders do wonderful things (heck, I married one) but when I'm being cut off by one on the road or it goes flying past me on the interstate like I'm sitting still (cruise set on 75) or it pulls out of a side street sideways to fit between me and the car in front of me, I have an issue. I've seen more reckless motorcycle drivers than responsible ones while driving. Everyone should be required to take that class!
  6. J'smom


    The only bad thing about Bama losing is there's not a BCS team ranked #1 anymore. They still have an outside shot at the BCS championship game, but it's a long shot. As screwy as the BCS is, though, a one-loss team can play in the championship game instead of an undefeated team, so we'll see! Go DAWGS!!!
  7. Just wear your full-body armor and gas mask. I did Black Friday a few times but not anymore. There's nothing I need that badly that I need to be in line by 2 a.m. or risk life and limb to get it. Nobody's getting a TV or game console or anything expensive from us, especially this year!!
  8. Just minus the daily hairstyle change. I hate to hear this about Amanda Davis. It's terrible for anybody to get a DUI, but even more when it's someone in the public eye. It will be interesting to see how she handles this and how Fox 5 handles her, whether they keep her on the air and she gets to make a formal apology and do a segment on the dangers of drunk driving, turn it into an eye-opening segment.
  9. Love the butcher shop--hubby gets meat thinly sliced for making homemade beef jerky, and the deer cooler next door is very good too. Venicen is great when cooked right! Oh, we're going trick-or-treating at Fred's this Thursday morning.
  10. My kids to have a good Christmas. Oh, and job.
  11. I agree, BUT, they play on the road at Tampa Bay Sunday then Thursday at home against the Aints. That's not going to be in their favor, playing away then against the Aints on a short week. I'm still pulling for them, though!! Why, WHY, did Roddy White stop running? He could have easily caught that and ran it all the way in!!!
  12. Personally, if some random person smacked my butt twice, I sure wouldn't share my food with them!! No matter how hot they are! LOL. (For the record, I don't think Clay Matthews is hot--like my guys clean cut, and I'm not a Packers fan).
  13. Also try drinking a full glass of ice water before you eat. That will help you feel fuller so you won't eat as much. Don't look at it as a "diet", look at it as a lifestyle adjustment. Remember, DIET is a 4-letter word too!! LOL. Good luck!!!
  14. No, she knows who it is, that's why she smacks his butt twice. She snuck in in disguise to see him. And I love Zaxby's.
  15. Oh, they did that to me when my son sold a couple of DS games. We were at the one in Arbor Place mall. I figured they don't want people selling games illegally or trying to scam them.
  16. You can't cut an entire food group out of your diet, it isn't healthy. You can choose better carbs, but not zero carbs. When the Atkins diet was the big thing, people would order bacon cheeseburgers, hold the bun, and think they were doing a good thing--never mind all the fat and calories being consumed. Eat 6 small meals instead of 3 large ones and exercise. One pound is 3500 calories. I found a great app for my phone called LoseIt. You enter your starting weight, sex, goal weight, and if you want to lose 1, 1 1/2, or 2 lbs per week and it tells you when you'll reach that goal. It tell
  17. Yep, and no problems at all. Selling to Game Stop is hard so they don't accept just anything. You have to show ID and they scan your fingerprint and check the game and device before they'll accept it. Plus, they don't pay a lot so you can't wreck your console, sell it to them and get half your money back.
  18. I used to live in Hiram, behind the old Western Sizzler that's now a Mexican restaurant. One person in our neighborhood had a rooster and that thing crowed all day long--it was cornfused. Another neighbor had a goat in the front yard on a long leash tied to a post. I don't know if that was for grass-cutting purposes or not.
  19. What about AT&T's customer service? Their cellular customer service SUCKS and I'll never give AT&T my cell business, but if their cable doesn't go out on a daily basis or lose WiFi then I might consider dropping Comcast for them. What are their options if you don't have a landline and don't need that part of the bundle?
  20. The docs I worked for in Douglasville and Austell all recommended Dr. Weselman to patients needing a rheumatologist. They don't recommend her just because she's local--they've recommended other docs at Emory or Northside, but always recommend her for rheumatologist.
  21. If you look at retail stores, there's no Thanksgiving anyway. It goes from back-to-school to Christmas to Halloween to Christmas. A few stores will celebrate HallowThanksMas and have all the decor up in August for that holiday. I know you're being serious but I'm in a silly mood.
  22. Heck, by the time I'm retirement age (70) Social Security and Medicare will be long gone.
  23. The question is this: how long are the effects in your system? If you smoke one after work on a Friday, will you be functionally normal on Monday morning? If you're operating heavy machinery or driving you shouldn't be taking a hit. Hubby works in a factory, lots of machines and very strict OSHA compliance and strict safety policies. The do random drug testing (NOT an invasion of privacy, a way to help ensure employee safety) and have had to send people home or write them up if they tested positive, including one person whose level was so high that the employee admitted to smoking one in
  24. I just want to say that not voting for Obama doesn't make me racist. A facebook friend is trying to say that all the mudslinging by the Republicans is a bad attempt to cover the hate Americans still have for African Americans. Really? I thought mudslinging was part of any election season and regardless of who's running there's going to be nasty campaigns and partial truths (and untruths) thrown about--skin color doesn't matter.
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